Monday, August 5, 2013

Back to School with Award Winning The Magic School Bus Series -- New DVD Releases -- Review and #Giveaway

Disclosure:  I was sent DVD samples from the vendor in order to write up an honest review.  Views shared are mine and mine alone.


SRP: REVVING UP ($24.95)/IN A PICKLE ($12.95)


"Take a fun and education-filled road trip this summer with Ms. Frizzle and her incredible bus, as everyone's favorite teacher makes learning exciting with two ALL-NEW DVD releases: THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS: REVVING UP and THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS: IN A PICKLE!

Explore everything from the smallest cell to the largest galaxy in twelve never-before-available episodes of the Emmy Award®-winning TV series in THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS: REVVING UP. Each of the three discs in the set - "Under Construction," "Getting Energized" and "Cracks a Yolk" - contains three new episodes running the gamut from computers and electricity to city critters and desert adaptation. And each DVD also contains a special bonus episode adding up to more than four-and-a-half hours of Frizz-tastic fun!

Ever wonder what's behind a peculiar smell? Viewers who hop aboard the bus for IN A PICKLE are sure to find out across four never-before-released episodes including the title episode about microbes, along with "Meets Molly Cule," "Makes a Stink" about smell and "Meets the Rot Squad" which covers decomposition.

Grab a seat and hang on in these all-new releases from the best-selling DVD franchise of the longest-running science series for kids to ever air on television.


Originally conceived by author Joanna Cole and illustrator Bruce Degen, "The Magic School Bus" has been capturing children's imaginations since the first book rolled onto shelves in 1986. Since then, the acclaimed series has sold over 58 million books and spawned a cottage industry featuring the animated TV series which premiered on September 10, 1994. Adapting the books into the series was an opportunity to help kids learn about science in a fun way - and boy, has it ever! The longest-running science series to air on television, the star-studded program features the voices of Lily Tomlin, Wynonna Judd, Dolly Parton, Tony Randall and Malcolm-Jamal Warner. Along with the adventurous and energetic Ms. Valerie Frizzle and her pet lizard, Liz, the entire class - along with the audience - was invited to explore volcanoes, the inside of the human body and much, much more!"


  • English and Spanish Language Options 

For more information on this title or any other Scholastic Storybook Treasures release, visit Also, visit New Kideo, the online home for the DVD line, at their Facebook page:


My Thoughts:

Even though my daughters are too young to truly understand and appreciate The Magic School Bus series, they love to sit with their older nieces and nephews and watch the educational episodes with them.  Recently, I was sent two new The Magic School Bus DVD releases to review, and had a blast watching them with my family.  While most kids would be upset that you are trying to get them to watch an educational video during the summer, my nieces and nephews had a blast with these new DVDs.  

Growing up, I remember science and math were considered courses that boys excelled in.  Girls, on the other hand, were good in English, typing and health classes.  We were never pushed to take the advanced courses, thus not allowing us to experience and fall in love with science and math.  It wasn't until my junior and senior year in high school that I was able to enroll in advanced science and math courses, and had a blast.  These courses got me excited about learning and even wanting to pursue a degree in pre-medicine when it came to heading off to college.  So, when I watch series like The Magic School Bus, as a parent, I get excited.  Not only do I enjoy the animated episodes that make learning about science and math fun, but I love being able to share science and math with my nieces and daughters. 

Back on July 30th, New Kideo released THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS: REVVING UP and THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS: IN A PICKLE! for fans of The Magic School Bus series, as well as homeschooling parents looking for great educational DVDs to include in their in-home schooling for the upcoming school year.

Join Ms. Frizzle and her students as they take a trip on the magic school bus.  They set off on fun adventures learning about such things as the galaxy, energy, computers, electricity, microbes, cells and more.  If it is science related then Ms. Frizzle has probably covered it, in this award winning television series. With over 4 1/2 hours of educational fun on each DVD, children and parents will love sitting down to watch an entire DVD or a few episodes at a time.  I spent the past few weeks sharing a few episodes a day with my family, and then talking about what they learned afterwards.  It is great hearing my 8 year old niece getting excited talking about the galaxy and electricity.  She said, "Who knew science would be this much fun!"  And, now she is excited about returning back to school to share with her science teacher what she learned over the summer, as well as learn more.

So, if you are looking for great science based educational DVDs to share with your children, why not consider picking up one or both new The Magic School Bus DVDs from New Kideo today?  You will not be disappointed!



Thanks to the kind folks at New Kideo, one lucky reader will win a copy of both The Magic School Bus titles --, to enjoy with their children.  To enter, please complete the entries on the Rafflecopter form below.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure:  I was sent DVD samples from the vendor in order to write up an honest review.  Views shared are mine and mine alone.


  1. Yes, I've seen it before. I liked when they traveled inside Ralphie's digestive system.

    Name on rafflecopter: Mary Happymommy

  2. I saw the series when I was kid.

  3. We have never seen this before. thankyou, ken

  4. When my kid's were younger, we use to watch the magic school bus all the time. Now I could share this with my grandson when he gets a little older.

  5. yes I've seen Magic School Bus.. I grew up on these DVDs as a kid.

  6. I like watching the human body series. Very interesting, even for adults! My daughter is just now starting to get in to science so these would be perfect for her!

  7. loved it - now want my daughter to see it

  8. My grandson likes the Magic School bus DVDs & books. He likes the book about bees the best. I'd love to win the newest dvds for him!

  9. I watched it a long time ago. I liked the one with about the human body. My 7 year old would enjoy this set.

  10. No I haven't seen it but looks great for my 3 y o daughter.

  11. no i havent seen the series yet but looks great
