
Monday, July 1, 2013

Summer Shouldn't Consist of Colds :-( -- Review + Giveaway of PediaONE, a Natural Oral Electolyte Solution for Kids

Disclosure:  I was sent samples from PediaOne in order to write up an honest review.  The views shared are mine and mine alone.

 "PediaONE® is a natural oral rehydration solution specially formulated to effectively replace
fluid, vitamins and minerals lost due to diarrhea, vomiting, or excessive sweating."

I don't remember getting sick during the summer months when I was without child?  What about you?  It feels like that since the girls arrived that we are always sick.  And, when we finally seem to be getting better, we go some place and pick up another illness.  Like I have shared on numerous occasions, our winter consisted of being sick off and on from October through March.  Then, we had a short break during the spring -- go figure, when it was still cold and rainy to do much.  Summer arrived, and we are sick yet again.  Ugh.  While the girls weren't hit as hard this time around, poor Mommy, still run down and tired from the past few months of being up day and night with the girls not feeling well, seems to have received the brunt of the illness.  I have been wiped out since last Thursday with a migraine headache that will not quit, along with an achy body and sore, scratchy throat. 

Thankfully, my dad is here today, to help take care of the girls, so that I can rest (and blog), in hopes to shake whatever I have before the upcoming holiday weekend.  Crossing my fingers and toes! :-)  But when the girls first showed signs last week of this bug, they had diarrhea and vomiting.  But, thanks to a recent product sent to me for review, I was able to keep the girls hydrated and replenish lost electrolytes.  A couple of weeks ago, I was sent samples of PediaONE to try out.  Go figure that I was sent these samples when the girls were feeling 100%.  But, I knew that I would need them at some point, so kept them handy on the kitchen counter.  And, low and behold, last week, they sure did come in handy.

I don't know about your kiddos, but when my girls see me coming with medicine droppers or pacifiers filled with pink magic juice (my husband calls it), they run and hide.  Our littlest one has the best gag reflux and will vomit at the first drop of medicine in her mouth. Not good!  So, I was not sure how they would take to PediaONE.  In the past, I have tried other electrolyte replenishing products in liquid and freeze pop form, but the girls never took to them.  Savannah would sniff or just look at it, and say "No try" as she wanted away, while Arabella would just run or take a sip and vomit.  But, after a night of diarrhea and vomiting, I tried the white grape and pear flavored drink from PediaONE and was surprised to find that the girls liked it.  They both thought it was flavored water.  Savannah even asked for more! :-)

In addition to the white grape and pear flavor, PediaONE also comes in the following flavors:

  • Mixed Berry 
  • Citrus Blend
  • Apple
  • Unflavored

When your little one is not feeling well, the last thing you want to be doing is trying to get them to drink something that doesn't taste good.  My girls seem to get more frustrated and worked up when I try to give them sports drinks juices or other sugary drinks, in hopes to rehydrate them.  But, now I don't have to worry, thanks to PediaONE drinks, which provider the right "vital minerals and nutrients, without excess sugar and without compromising taste. PediaONE is the first step in restoring and maintaining an electrolyte balance in the body."

Here are the key advantages of keeping a few bottles of PediaONE on hand in your house, to have available when your children don't feel well:
    • All Natural No artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners
    • Non-GMO Ingredients No genetically modified ingredients; pesticide free
    • Special B & C Vitamin Blend Added energy and immune function support
    • Zinc Supplements zinc lost during diarrhea and vomiting, can help decrease the frequency, severity and the duration of illness
    • Calcium Supports muscle function and nerve transmission
    • BPA-Free, PET Bottles Packaged in highly recyclable bottles
    • Superior Taste Encourages kids to drink the right amount of fluids for proper rehydration. When it tastes will drink it!

While it seems that our family is always under the weather, I can breath a little easier knowing that when the girls need their electrolytes replenished, I now have a product that I can give them, and they will not run away from.  I simply pour some in their sippy cups and they go to town drinking this taste drink, that will have them feeling better and rehydrated in no time.

Stay up-to-date on news, special offers and more from PediaONE by following them on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest:





PediaONE products can be found through online retailers like Amazon, as well as at local retailers like HEB, Reid's, Hannaford and Food Lion.  Use the PediaONE online store locator to find a retailer near you who carries PediaONE products here --


One lucky reader will win a sample kit featuring four 8oz 4-Packs, thanks to the folks at PediaONE.  To enter this giveaway, please complete the entries on the Rafflecopter form below.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure:  I was sent samples from PediaOne in order to write up an honest review.  The views shared are mine and mine alone.



  1. I sing silly songs and we watch my son's fave cartoons

  2. snuggling up on the couch with some toons!
    Ashley Sifers
