
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Summer Car Rides Made More Fun with Shine and Moonbeams (Children's Music CD Review)

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this CD from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views shared are mine and mine alone.

"Shine and the Moonbeams is family music's first soul band. They bring a fresh, soulful perspective to the world that belongs to families all across the planet. Journey with Shine through the sweetness of growing up and celebrate the beauty in every day. Guaranteed to put the shake in your hip and smile on your face."


Before the girls came, my husband and I used to never agree on what to listen to for music when it came to car rides. I preferred pop or country music, while he was into Latin. But, when the girls came and we began making memories with scenic car rides and summer trips, deciding on music stopped being an issue. Instead, my husband will rely on me for choosing the music we listen to with the girls. And, thanks to the folks at Suger Mountain PR, I am able to review some amazing children's music, that will not have my husband and I rushing to turn off when inappropriate content is played, or looking for another CD as the music is even putting us to sleep. All of the music that I have reviewed from Sugar Mountain PR and their represented artists have been a joy to listen to, especially the new self-titled album from Shine and the Moonbeams. Released on June 16th both in hard copy and digitally, it has become an instant hit with families with young children. I keep seeing fellow mommy bloggers raving about this CD and sharing how their summer's have been made better just being listening to the Shine and Moonbeams CD.
During our recent 3-hour car ride to NH for the 4th of July, I made sure to have this CD handy. This CD is made up of 11 catchy tunes. From the first track, "The Melody of Me," all the way to the last track, "Bully Bully," my husband and I, along with our girls were tapping our toes or clapping our hands to the different sounds that make up this amazing children's music album. As a parent, I loved listening to each and every track and seeing how the songs have a message for children, including dream big and never giving up on their dreams/goals in life, encouraging them to use their imaginations, and even conflict resolution in the 2010 version of "Bully Bully" included as a bonus track on this recent release. 
Even though I love getting in the car without the kids and listening to adult music, there is something about getting the whole family together and putting on a children's music CD like Shine and the Moonbeams, that makes the car ride ever so much more enjoyable. :-) So, if you have any end of summer trips that will have you in the car with your children for an extended period of time, why not pick up a copy of this new CD to enjoy with your family. I guarantee that by the time you all leave the car, you will be humming or singing some of these catchy tunes. :-) I know as we all are!

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this CD from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views shared are mine and mine alone.

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