Calling all My Little Pony Fans -- Here Are Some Great Recent Releases from LB-Kids!

- Age Range: 4 - 8 years
- Paperback: 32 pages
- Publisher: LB Kids (April 2, 2013)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 031622815X
- ISBN-13: 978-0316228152
- Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 5.8 x 0.2 inches
all your favorite ponies in Ponyville! See where Twilight Sparkle,
Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Applejack all live and
meet their pets too! - See more at:
"Meet all your favorite ponies in Ponyville! See where Twilight Sparkle,
Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Applejack all live and
meet their pets too!"

- Age Range: 4 - 8 years
- Paperback: 24 pages
- Publisher: LB Kids (April 2, 2013)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0316228141
- ISBN-13: 978-0316228145
- Product Dimensions: 8 x 8 x 0.1 inches
"Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor take a tour of Equestria from
Canterlot to Ponyville! They visit Manehattan, Cloudsdale, and even
Appleloosa, sending postcards to Twilight Sparkle along the way. Come
join all the fun!"

- Age Range: 8 and up
- Paperback: 160 pages
- Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers; 1 edition (April 2, 2013)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0316228192
- ISBN-13: 978-0316228190
- Product Dimensions: 7.6 x 5.2 x 0.6 inches
"Twilight Sparkle is a very special Pony and a loyal apprentice of
Princess Celestia. Twilight Sparkle's life has been turned upside down
by recent exciting events in Ponyville, so she sets off for the Crystal
Empire to get advice from her former foalsitter, Princess Cadance. Join
Twilight Sparkle in this original and brand-new adventure!
Don't miss the special purple activity pages in the back of the book!"
My Thoughts:
Well, Savannah turned 3 yrs. old this past Friday, and ended up having a My Little Pony party. Since receiving a My Little Pony DVD last year, based on the Hub Television Network's popular animated series, she has been hooked on everything My Little Pony. We counted up all her ponies, which she has been collecting for a few months -- including original My Little Ponies from my collection as a child that my mother saved, to ones I have bought off of eBay, from the original My Little Pony dolls from the 80's and 90's, and even the ones from the McDonald's Happy Meals, to new in the box My Little Pony ponies from the new animated series that friends and family gave her for her birthday. Guess how many she has? Guess... 110 ponies. Not bad for a 3 yr. old, huh? She even has Ponyville houses, amusement park rides and other accessories, as well as lunch boxes, posters, bedding and other memorabilia. And, wherever she goes, Savannah is always carrying around a pony with her. :-)
So, when I found out the LB-Kids had recently published a handful of My Little Pony books, including the ones above, as well as has more slated for the rest of 2013 and into 2014, I had to get my hands on review copies to share, not only with Savannah, but also Arabella, who also loves My Little Pony. The girls went crazy when I showed them the three books. Each of the books had varying reading level difficulty, so if you are looking to purchase these for early or beginner readers, make sure you note the reading/age level for each. My girls aren't reading yet, but were able to sit back and enjoy me reading each of the three books to them.
Out of the three books, I have to say that Savannah's favorite was "Meet the Ponies of Ponyville," which is a Passport to Reading ! book. This paperback book introduces little ones to the 6 main ponies, as well as Spike, a baby dragon, who lives in Twilight Sparkle's library. The six ponies featured in this quick and easy to understand book include -- Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack? If you have My Little Pony fans at home who love these main characters, they will go crazy for this book. Even fans of the show, who know these ponies, either by their color or cutie mark, will love seeing them in the pages of this recent release. And, for those not familiar with the show or looking to learn more about the ponies of Ponyville, this is a great get to know your ponies book, as it amazing colorful illustrations of the ponies, their hobbies and talents and a nice peek into Ponyville.
Because my girls are already fans of the show and know the ponies by heart, they had a blast flipping through the pages themselves, pointing out their favorite ponies, like Applejack and Twilight Sparkle. And, whenever we sit down together to read, or this other two books, they are quick to point out the ponies to me -- like I don't know who they are -- seeing that we watch My Little Pony daily at home, and even in the car.
As for the two other books (shown above), these are great for beginner readers and those between the ages of 5-8 years old, as they have a lot more words on each page, which may distract young readers/listeners. I find that I can read the entire "Welcome to Equestria" book to Savannah, as she is a huge My Little Pony fan, but when it comes time to read it to Arabella, I have to shorten the story, and put more emphasis on the illustrations, which any My Little Pony fan will go crazy for. :-)
Older readers will love the "Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell" book, which is 160 pages and geared towards readers ages 8+. My nieces who were over this past weekend, had a blast reading this book, which they were able to complete in two days. They took turns reading a couple chapters each, and then would pass off to the other to read more out loud. Savannah sat playing with her ponies, as she listened to the story about Twilight Sparkle, another one of her favorite My Little Pony ponies.
We will definitely be keeping an eye out for the upcoming My Little Pony releases from LB-Kids, to pick up and enjoy. There is also a Christmas one coming out, that will make for a great stocking stuffer idea for My Little Pony fans. So, if you have My Little Pony fans in your house, you will want to head on over to to check out their current and upcoming My Little Pony releases. Most of these books, which are available through online and most major retailers, average around $3-$5, making for an affordable read, and great way to get little ones excited about reading, as they join their My Little Pony friends on some great adventures in Ponyville. :-)
My granddaughters love My little Pony also. They don't have 110 ponies, that is impressive, but they would love these books.