
Monday, July 1, 2013

Savannah is a Big Girl with Her Nuby Step-up Stool (Review)

Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the folks at Nuby in order to write up an honest review.  The views shared are mine and mine alone.


I can't believe how fast Savannah has grown up.  She will be 3 yrs. old on July 19th, but is already acting like a "big girl."  She can dress and undress herself, brush her hair, brush her teeth, helps out a lot more with her little sister, is talking up a storm, and even washes her hands in the sink. It seems like she started doing this overnight.  I remember a few month ago asking the pediatrician when to expect her to begin talking in sentences.  The doctor told me not to rush it, and that she would be talking up a storm in no time -- and boy is she! :-)

Every morning when Savannah gets up and each night when she gets ready to go to bed, she pulls her Nuby Step-up Stool from the corner of the bathroom over to the sink.  Then, she takes a step up and is ready to do her hygiene.  You should have seen the look on her face of pure joy a feeling of accomplishment the first time she stood on the Nuby Step-up Stool and was able to reach for her toothbrush and wash her hands and rinse her toothbrush off in the sink, without Mommy or Daddy's assistance.  And, from that moment on, she became more independent.  Now, whenever she is done with a meal, or comes inside from playing outdoors, she makes a b-line for the bathroom to wash her hands. :-)

And, when she is not using the Nuby Step-up stool, she pushes it over to the corner, where is doesn't take up much room, waiting to be used. This step-up stool has a no-slip and no-skid base, so I don't have to worry about Savannah slipping off the stool as she takes a step up, or having the stool move when she leans in to turn the water on and off.  I even tried out the stool, as it says it holds up to 800 lbs. Now, I am by no means near 800 lbs., but it was sturdy enough to hold me.  Some of the other step-up stools we have seen in stores and have owned in the past, were not as durable, and wouldn't never have held an older child, let alone an adult.

Who knew that a step-up stool would give my daughter more confidence, and make her excited to wash her hands and do her other personal hygiene at the bathroom sink each day.  This stool has also come in handy for when Savannah wants to help me bake in the kitchen.  I simply pull out her Nuby Step-up stool and bring it over to the kitchen counter, and she is able to step up and help me at the counter.  This is definitely one must have item for toddlers and pre-schoolers.  And, at around $19.99 , you can't go wrong for this sturdy and oh so durable step-up stool from Nuby, which will come in handy for years to come.

---BUY NOW---

You can find the Nuby Step-up Stool at the following stores for around $19.99 --

Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the folks at Nuby in order to write up an honest review.  The views shared are mine and mine alone.

1 comment:

  1. These are such cute pictures. The Nuby Step-up stool seem fantastic for little children. I always had to have step stools for my tiny children. This one is perfect.
    twinkle at optonline dot net
