
Friday, June 28, 2013

Win a SleepBuddy System to Help Teach Your Child When to Wake - #MomInvented #Giveaway


This past Monday, I introduced you all to Laura Swartz, creator of the SleepBuddy Complete Sleep System.  If you missed my Spotlight Mom interview and review, click here now to read my post -- Today, I wanted to give one lucky a chance to win a SleepBuddy Sleep System to use with their little one, thanks to Laura.  Since I began using this sleep system a couple of weeks ago, Savannah is finally back on a proper sleep schedule, where she goes to bed at a reasonable hour and wakes no earlier than 7:30AM -- a big difference from the 2AM and 5AM wake up calls we were dealing with after her sleep schedule was thrown off from being sick.

The SleepBuddy device is easy to use and program, and kids will love how it will help them to know when they should be getting up, or staying in bed.  At under $40, you can't go wrong for this mom-invented product, which really does work!  It worked for us, and so many other families who have shared their positive experiences about this product through product reviews. 

SleepBuddy is a complete sleep system to teach your kids when to stay in bed

Do you have a child who is having issues with knowing when to rise in the AM?  Then, you will want to visit the SleepBuddy website and check out this complete sleep system --

Today, one lucky reader will have a chance to win a SleepBuddy, thanks to Laura.  To enter this giveaway, please complete the entries on the Rafflecopter form below.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. For my girl who always fuss to get awake!

  2. I would like to win this for my son, he has difficulty sleeping sometimes.

  3. I would like to win this for my daughter

  4. I think this would be perfect for my grandson.

  5. my son who is an early riser i'd love to stay in bed until 7 am :)

  6. my son who if given the option would never sleep.

  7. My little girl LOVES to rise early! Anything between 03h30 (yawn) and 5h30. LOL. We get very excited if, on the odd occasion, she sleeps until 6am.

  8. I'd love to win this for my niece

  9. My granddaughter is starting school soon and needs a sleep schedule.
