
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Sponsored: Filtrete Filters from 3M are Our Go-To Filters to Keep Our Home's Air Cleaner and Free of Airborne Allergens #FiltreteFilters

Disclosure: I was sent samples from Filtrete in order to facilitate in my reviews shared are mine and mine alone.

When I rang in the New Year back in January, I turned to my husband who was sitting next to me on the couch, with blankets covering us, and said that this year would be a healthier year for the family.  I said this while we were both fighting off the flu that the whole family had been battling for over 2 1/2 weeks.  Note:  We all received the flu shot, but it didn't work. :-(  And, prior to the flu striking our house, the girls and I kept passing around and picking up a nasty head cold or stomach flu all fall and winter.  So, as you can see, I really wanted 2013 to be a healthier year.  But, if you have children, then you know all too well the germs and viruses them come into contact with, and how often they get sit.  And, while February seemed to be a better month, with no illness, come March and April we found ourselves sick yet again with the head cold and stomach bugs.  Not only were the girls tired of being sick and not being able to play outside or spend time with friends (as not to spread germs or pick up anything else), I was also done with the up all day and night with sick and fussy little ones, only to wear myself down and get sick.  Another thing they don't tell you when you become a mom -- there are sick days!

And, now as I write this post, the girls and I are sick once again with a severe upper respiratory infection, ear infections, and I have bronchitis.  We have been sick since Memorial Day, and had to cut our vacation short to come home to take the girls to the doctors and get antibiotics.  I hope that after this infection goes away, that we will finally be able to enjoy the summer and stay healthy.  While I can't control the germs and viruses the girls and I come in contact with when we are out and about, I can make my home healthier by improving the indoor air quality, etc.  One of the most important things to do to improve your house's air quality is to make sure you switch out your furnace air filter ever 3 months.  Not only is the key to keeping your heating and cooling system working properly and making it function and last longer, but it also greatly reduces the stress on the system and reduces energy, etc.

My husband has assumed the tasks of changing out the smoke detector and carbon monoxide batteries, replacing light bulbs and other minor around the house repairs/updates.  He also has it scheduled on the calendar when it is time to change out our furnace filter.  In the past, we never were really on top of this, as it was just us (before the girls came), and we though like with car oil changes, you could go over and it wouldn't matter much.  But, since welcoming the girls and me being diagnosed and treated for cancer, we make a point now to do this.  I remember back in 2008 when I was home recovering from treatment, that my husband showed me the air filter that we had been using for over 6 months.  We had bought it because the label said it was high end and did XYZ.  We were both shocked to see how much black debris, dirt and other particles this filter collected, and prevented being dispersed into the air of our home.  From that point on, we knew we had to be better when it came to changing out the filters.  And, we go with the 3 month rule each and every time.  While we have tried various filter brands over the years, we have come to trust Filtrete Filters by 3M, and their line of quality filters. 

So, when I was offered the chance to work with 3M recently and review their Filtrete filters, how could I say "No?"  This would give me the perfect opportunity to share my love for this brand, as well as share with other moms out there how easy it is to (1) change the filters in your furnace system, without the help of a man, and (2) how important it is to replace your filters every 3 months in order to improve the air quality of your home, thus making it a better and healthier environment for all.  The other day I was sent a year's worth of Filtrete filters to review and use in my home.  While I would never have gotten excited about filters in the past, being a mom and homeowner, now little things like this and other household gadgets get me excited. :-)  I noticed on the calendar that we would need to replace our filters by the 12th of June, but couldn't wait until then to try out one of the Filtrete filters sent to me by 3M.  Like I said, we have been using Filtrete filters for a few years not, but I have never tried their Odor Reduction Filter.  So, I was eager to see how this would work with removing odors from cooking and pets in the house.

 Filtrete Odor Reduction Filter (1200 MPR)

Key Features:
  • "Has a unique two-sided design, with one side to capture large airborne particles and the second side that removes household odors.
  • Is the most effective 1" odor-reduction filter at removing odors in the home -- such as those from cooking, tobacco smoke, pets, mildew and cleaning chemicals -- and is 65 times more effective* than other carbon filters (*Based on comparison of organic vapor capacity vs. other national retail furnace filter brands)
  • Starts to remove even the strongest odors in minutes after the furnace fan is turned on
  • Also helps improve indoor air quality and captures airborne allergens such as pollen, mold, spores, dust mite debris, smoke, pet dander an smog from the air passing through the filter
  • Lasts up to three moths for odor removal and particle capture for air passing through the filter
  • MSR Price: $15.99"

Replacing the filter was a breeze, which I love.  And, just this afternoon I looked at the filter to see how well it is working, and was surprised to see the airborne particles this odor-eliminating air filter is catching and filtering out of our air.  Now that the warmer weather is here, the windows are open and central air is on, we need to make sure that our heating and cooling systems is working properly, including the filter. These air filters trap airborne dust, allergens, bacteria and viruses, which as a parent and cancer survivor with a comprised immune system, I love! The true test in regards to the odor eliminating feature of this Filtrete filter came the other day when my husband assumed the cooking duties while I was laid up on the couch with the girls.  He ended up burning something in the oven and the house filled with smoke and the smell of burnt grease.  Within a matter of a few minutes after turning on the furnace air, the house was not only free of the smoke, but the burnt smell was gone to.  In the past we would have had to open all the windows and air out the house for at least an hour before the smoke and smell would be gone.  But, now with this air filter, we don't have to go through these extra steps.  Instead, we simply turn the air on, and the Filtrete Odor Reduction Filter does the work for usNow, how is that for convenience, and peace of mind! :-)

And, during the winter months when I had the heat going 24/7, I didn't have to worry about a poor quality air filter either blocking airflow in the heating system, or worry about what particles are released into the air and not trapped in the filter.  Since switching to Filtrete Filters a few years back, my husband and I have felt the difference when the heating system is running, as the rooms getting warmer, and the air not as stale and dry. Our heating and cooling systems also don't have to work as hard or run longer just to get the rooms up to a certain degree, thus cutting down on energy usage and overall heating and cooling costs for us! :-)

So, if you have been meaning to switch to a better filter brand for your heating and cooling system needs, why not give Filtrete Filters from 3M a try?  You will not be disappointed!  Want to learn more about Filtrete Filters by 3M?  Then, head on over to their website now to learn more about this brand and browse their assortment of Filtrete Filters, to find the one that is best suited for your family and your heating and cooling systems ---

And, don't forget to follow Filtrete Filters by 3M on Twitter (@Filtrete) and Facebook for news and special offers, as well as share your love of this amazing brand.


"Filtrete has teamed up with America's most trusted contractor Mike Holmes to make your home right. Just send us a photo and tell us why you need help, and you'll be in the running for a chance to win a Holmes Approved inspection and $30,000 home remodel! For the first 1,000 registrations, we're giving away a special $10 rebate toward the purchase of two Filtrete™ High Performance filters.
Remember to check out our library of tips for building a safer, healthier home.


---BUY NOW---

Filtrete Brand from 3M makes air filters for your homes heating and cooling systems, and pricing starts at just a few dollars, with each filter lasting 3 months.  You can find these filters at your local Lowes, Target, Walmart, Costco and other hardware stores.  Or, use the online store locator to find a store near you who sells Filtrete Brand filters from 3M here:

Disclosure: I was sent samples from Filtrete in order to facilitate in my reviews shared are mine and mine alone.


  1. Thanks for sharing. I should have my husband read this one. :)

  2. I LOVE Filtrete filters - actually our son's allergist recommended them due to severe allergies.
