
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Savannah's Summer Reading List -- Week 2 -- Princess Pearl: A Birthday Ball by Emma Thomson (Review)

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book by the publisher in order to write up an honest review.  The views shared are mine and mine alone.

A Birthday Ball

24 Pages, 6.5 x 6.5
Formats: Hardcover Picture Book
Hardcover Picture Book, $8.99 (US $8.99)
Publication Date: June 2013
ISBN 9781444905878


"It's Pearl's birthday! But could her beautiful gift cause problems among the sea the princesses?When Pearl receives a birthday party invitation to the Underwater Kingdom, she dives down to the bottom of the ocean. Her friends the other sea princesses give her a beautiful pearl necklace, but jealous Princess Amethyst takes the necklace for herself! Will Pearl ever see her treasured present again?"

My Thoughts:

The first thing that caught my eye with this book was the front color.  Not only was it whimsical and had a fun princessy feel to it, but it also contained a glistening pearl-like ball under the crown at the top of the book cover.  Once Savannah saw this new book, her eyes and fingers were also drawn to this ball.  But, once we opened the book and began reading, we learned that the main character Pearl is not just an average girl -- nope...she is a sea princess.  

This cute story tells of Pearls' birthday and how the mean and jealous Princess Amethyst steals the pearl necklace the other sea princesses have given to Pearl for a birthday gift. Will Pearl and her friends be able to get her beautiful necklace back.  Don't worry, I will not spoil the ending.  What I will say is that little girls will love the book, not only for the cute story, but also for the beautiful illustrations, that really bring the story to life, and make you wish you could meet a sea princess like Pearl. 

I will definitely be keeping an eye out for more books by this author, to pick up and add to our collection.  But, in the meantime, will continue to read this book to my daughters, who just love Pearl, and touching the pearl on the front cover. :-)

About the Author:

Emma Thomson is the author of Dandelion's Christmas and the Felicity Wishes series.

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book by the publisher in order to write up an honest review.  The views shared are mine and mine alone.

1 comment:

  1. This book looks and sounds just adorable. I would love to get this one for my friend's daughter she would just love this one thanks for sharing.
    heather [email protected]
