
Monday, June 10, 2013

My Dry Hair is Finally Silky Smooth Once Again, Thanks to NuNAAT's Chocolat Special Collection (Review)

Disclosure: I was sent samples from NuNAAT in order to write up an honest review.  The views shared are mine and mine alone.


No matter what kind of hair type you have -- normal, dry, damaged, chemically processed, wavy/frizzy, or brittle with split ends, NuNAAT has just the right hair care products for you.  After reading a handful of blogger reviews about NuNAAT shampoos, conditioners, and other hair care products, I had to check out their website for myself.  In the past, I shared how my hair is usually dry/damaged feeling.  After my cancer treatment in 2008, the radiation treatment to my head also didn't seem to help my dry hair.  After trying both salon and high end retail store hair care products, I continued to find myself on the hunt for products that would help restore the much needed moisture and life to my hair.

It wasn't until I was sent the Chocolat Special from NuNAAT to try out, that I finally began seeing my hair return to its normal state.  I have to tell you, after living 5 years with dry hair, I never thought I could get it to feel soft and smooth, with a clean shine again.  It seemed like all the products that were meant to repair dry hair only made it worse.  And, if it did add shine, it made it look greasy.

Chocolat Special
"A luxurious combination of decadent cocoa butter and nutritious Brazil nuts. Designed for normal hair, but is also a wonderful and healthy moisturizer for all hair types. Brazil nuts are rich in nutrients, fat and minerals like selenium which promotes healthy hair and scalp. Our delicious chocolate scent makes your hair care indulgence even richer!"

Benefits of Using Chocolat Special Hair Care Products from NuNAAT:
  • Cocoa Butter provides a heaping dose of antioxidants
  • Rich in minerals and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E
  • Contains selenium found in Brazil nuts
  • Delivers healthy nutrients to hair follicles

Those who follow my blog know that I am chocoholic, and probably thought I chose the Chocolat Special from NuNAAT because of the name and how it has a delicious chocolate scent.  I can't lie, that when I saw there was a chocolate collection, I wondered how it smelled.  But, the main reason why I chose this collection to review was that it is a great moisturizer for all hair types.  And, my hair was crying out for moisturizer. :-)

I have been using each of the four products that make up the Chocolate Special collection from NuNAAT for a couple of weeks now, and am loving the difference these hair care products have had on my hair.  
Chocolat Special Chocolate Cream Hair Mask
(17.6 oz)
"A twice-monthly restorative treatment that revitalizes hair to maintain healthy, luxurious look and feel. Apply to freshly shampooed hair and let sit for 10-20 minutes. Use additional product on dry ends, if necessary. Rinse completely. Use twice monthly, or as often as necessary."

Creamy Chocolat Conditioner
(8.6 oz)
"Cocoa butter and Brazil nuts combine to deliver hydrating nutrients to hair. Recommended for all hair types. Use regularly after shampooing. Rinse thoroughly and style as desired."

Creamy Chocolat Shampoo
(8.4 oz)
"A daily cleanser that retains moisture for a healthy, shiny, all-natural look."

Chocolat Thermo Active Anti-Frizz
(5.2 oz)
"This heat activated anti-frizz formula is designed for blow-dry styling and is perfect for thick, frizzy hair. Gives hair a smooth, shiny finish."

With just 2 applications of each of the hair care products from the Chocolate Special Collection, minus the Chocolat Special Chocolate Cream Hair Mask, which you only use 2 times a month, I began to see a difference in the overall dryness of my hair.  Instead of having to deal with frizzy, dry looking hair, which seemed to stand on end on the top of my head, my hair was finally looking and feeling healthy.  Even my husband took notice, and asked what I was doing differently to my hair.  And, when he rubbed his fingers through my hair, he could even feel a difference.

I have been growing my hair out for about a year now, in order to donate 10 inches to the "Locks of Love" program, in recognition of my 5 years out of cancer treatment, and being deemed in remission.  I was afraid that when it came time to cut my hair -- which will be sometime this week -- that my hair would be too dried out to be accepted into the donation program.  But, after using the NuNAAT hair care line, made especially for all hair types, I can feel confident that the donation of hair I will be making with be 10 inches of smooth, silky hair. :-)  You don't know how good it feels to finally have my hair to return back to normal, as I find myself living my "new normal" life 5 years out of cancer treatment, in remission.  If it wasn't for the Chocolat Special Collection from NuNAAT,  I would still feel self-conscious about my dry hair, and continue to just pull it back into a ponytail, so I don't have to deal with it.  But, since using these hair care products, I can't help but let my silky soft long hair down, as I run my fingers through it. And, once my hair is cut chin length, I know it will still remain moisturized and healthy looking, as I continue to use the Chocolat Special from NuNAAT.

So, if you struggle with problem hair, why not check out the different collection from NuNAAT today.  During my early twenties, I would find my hair needing extra moisture during the summer months, from all the swimming and sun exposure.  And, then as I got older, it became more and more difficult to put the added moisture back into my dry hair.  But, now with NuNAAT's line of hair care products, I don't have to worry about this -- and, neither do you! :-)  What are you waiting for?  Head on over to the NuNAAT website today to browse their collections, based on your hair type.  "All nuNAAT products are meant to work for a specific hair type, texture, and styling routine. As such, not all products are right for all hair types. They are also meant to work as a complete system, which I why I reviewed all four products from their Chocolat Special line as a whole.

Don't forget to follow nuNAAT on Facebook and Twitter, to stay up-to-date on special offers and news.  NuNAAT Beauty also has a YouTube page with useful videos about their products also worth checking out!

Disclosure: I was sent samples from NuNAAT in order to write up an honest review.  The views shared are mine and mine alone.

1 comment:

  1. my hair as i refer to it at times as being like a horses tail....long and dry and no shine...I will have to try this product thanks for sharing...
