
Friday, June 21, 2013

Movie43 -- Now Available on Blu-ray and DVD (Review)

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this movie from the vendor in order to write up an honest review.  The views shared are mine and mine alone.


"You’ve never seen anything quite like Movie 43... The year’s most outrageous and daringly original comedy, featuring the ultimate star-studded cast. No inappropriate storyline is off limits...including a “ballsy” blind date, a middle school “period” piece, and more. Please don’t sue us if you die laughing."

Special Features:

Blu-ray & DVD
  Theatrical Trailer

Blu-Ray Exclusive Features
  Find Our Daughter

Cast Includes:
  Peter Farrelly (Director)
  Hugh Jackman
  Seth MacFarlane
  Justin Long
  Dennis Quaid
  Greg Kinnear
  Emma Stone
  Kate Winslet
  Liev Schreiber
  Naomi Watts
  Anna Faris
  Gerard Butler
  Halle Berry
  Terrence Howard
  Elizabeth Banks
  Richard Gere
  Kate Bosworth
  Kristen Bell
  Jason Sudeikis
  Josh Duhamel
  Uma Thurman

My Thoughts:

I usually wait until the weekend to watch movies, but after receiving a screener copy of Movie43 the other day and seeing the star-studded cast, I couldn't wait to watch it.  In the past, I made my husband watch similar movies where they included tons of famous actors/actresses, only to have him asking why I wasted his time, as they were duds.  I had to agree with him on a couple of these movies, which will go nameless. :-)  But, there was something about this lineup, which included Richard Gere, Halle Berry, Kate Winslet, and Gerald Butler, alongside comedic actors/actresses including Anna Faris, Johnny Knoxville and Sean William Scott.  I wondered how all these people, who have different acting styles and are on different acting levels would fair when paired together.

Please note that this film is produced by Peter Farrelly and Charles Wessler, so there is no holding back to what they deem appropriate viewing matter.  Now, I like good comedic scenes, but there were times while watching this movie, that I found myself thinking to myself, "that is just wrong."  Peter Farrelly loves to push the envelope, and he has done this is this movie, which I was surprised to see so many A-list actors/actresses signing on for.

While my husband walked away halfway through the movie, I stayed, hoping it would get better, or at least more subdued.  I was wrong, the offensive scenes continued, with a dew including the one between Anna Farris and her real life husband, Chris .When the credits began to roll, I found myself wondering what I had just sat through.  Thankfully, I had watched the version shown in theaters, even though this Blu-Ray/DVD Combo included the "version not shown in theaters."  I can only imagine what this version would be like.

To say that I was disappointed would be an understatement.  How can actors/actresses like Richard Gere and Halle Berry sign on for a movie like this?  Their past movies were in a league of their own.  While this was not my cup of tea, I have found that movie viewers in their 20's love these sorts of films.  So, I can why Peter Farrelly and Charles Wessler make them.  They struck out with my husband and I, but I am guessing some college student or young adult couldn't stop laughing at scenes my husband and I wished we hadn't seen.  

If you saw this movie in theaters or recently rented it, I would love to hear what you thought of it.  Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this movie from the vendor in order to write up an honest review.  The views shared are mine and mine alone.


  1. Well, I would happen to agree with you I dont bleive this would be my kind of movie either ....I tend to stray away from movies like these...but yos the younger even older teenages like movies like these...thanks for sharing..

  2. thanks for the HONEST review!although, i wouldnt watch it with my family, my humor can sometimes be like like this, so im actually kind of interested in seeing it now
