
Friday, June 21, 2013

Blog Book Tour -- Where in the OM Am I? by Sara DiVello (Book Review)

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book by the publisher in order to write up an honest review.  The views shared are mine and mine alone.

Where in the OM Am I? by Sara DiVello

  • Paperback: 312 pages
  • Publisher: Worcester Square Press (March 5, 2013)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0989055507
  • ISBN-13: 978-0989055505
  • Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.7 inches


The Devil Wears Prada meets Eat, Pray, Love in [an] engaging, inspiring tale of self-discovery.” 

"Sara has dutifully climbed the corporate ladder to become head of PR at a major financial services company, but can’t shake the feeling she’s not where she belongs. When her latest boss, a wine-guzzling, drama-loving diva, finally drives her to the brink, Sara seeks sanctuary in yoga-teacher training…only to encounter an entirely different assortment of craziness and calamity. Along the way, Sara confronts the harsh reality of working in a male-dominated industry, the challenges of being a corporate interloper in the yoga community, and the complexity of interactions between women in both realms. As epic mishaps beget personal revelations, Sara digs deep for the courage to forge a new life for herself.

For fans of Jen Lancaster, readers of Claire Dederer's POSER, YOGA BITCH and even Jennifer Aniston's role in HORRIBLE BOSSES, you'll love this memoir that is so juicy you'll think it's chick lit. But you simply can't make this stuff up and you don't have to love yoga to love this story! Sara's a rising star and we're excited to bring you her debut memoir. "


My Thoughts:

Now that I am in my mid 30's I am finding myself at a crossroads.  I left the corporate world to be a stay at home mom to my two daughters, but wonder if I should return.  Not only would it help the family financially, as we would have incomes coming in again, but also I would be able to have the adult conversations and interactions I am missing, as a stay at home mom to two young children.  But, then when I read books like Sara DiVello's recent release, "Where in the OM Am I?, I can't help but think that my choice of being a stay at home mom was the right one for me. 

Like Sara, I thrived in the corporate world, and always found myself trying to climb the corporate ladder, only to be knocked down, or was made felt that I didn't belong, as I sat next to doctors and corporate honchos (all men) in the healthcare sector, without an MD. after my name.  Times like this made me wish I could start my own business, or walk away and not deal with the craziness of hierarchy and power struggles.  While Sara resorted to yoga as a way to release and find her "center," I chose to become a mom and stay home and raise my girls. :-)

This book, which reads like a chic lit, memoir and self help book all rolled into one, is definitely one worth reading if you ever wondered about the direction in your life, or somehow lost your way.  This book shares how Sara deals with what is going on in her business and personal life with yoga training she is taking.  Her yoga training is not without drama.  This is what kept me turning the pages, as I wanted to see what would happen next.  You will laugh at different points in the book, and then find yourself wondering about the direction in your life at others.  But, once you are done with Sara DiVello's book, you will be in a happier mood, and ready to tackle what is going on in your life...or at least the dishes in sink. :-)

About the author: 

Sara DiVello 
Sara DiVello worked in PR and marketing for thirteen years before realizing she preferred yoga mats and bare feet to cubicles and high heels. She teaches both vinyasa and restorative yoga and is certified with the Yoga Alliance. Sara holds a B.A. in communications, summa cum laude, from Arcadia University. She currently lives in Boston with her husband and their eleven-pound rescue mutt, Peluda.

Praise for the book:
The Devil Wears Prada meets Eat, Pray, Love in this engaging, inspiring tale of self-discovery. DiVello blends keen cultural observation with a terrifically wry wit as she balances her soul-killing corporate career with the world of New Age poseurs and guru-loving sycophants of her yoga teacher training. A great read for anyone who has ever sat in a cubicle, dreaming of escape.” –Kathleen Flinn, New York Times best-selling author, The Sharper Your Knife, the Less You Cry

“When Sara DiVello tries to fold a yoga practice into her miserable, mirthless corporate finance career, she realizes even the so-called enlightened aren’t immune to back-stabbing bitchery. Raw, real and at times deeply, darkly funny, Where in the OM Am I? shows you a side of yoga you may not have known existed. If you think your job sucks, this book will be more welcome than an extra-long corpse pose at the end of a grueling class.” –Jenna McCarthy, author of If It Was Easy They’d Call the Whole Damn Thing a Honeymoon

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book by the publisher in order to write up an honest review.  The views shared are mine and mine alone.

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