Thank You, God, for Puppies and/or Thank You, God, for Kittens
God bless my puppy, and God bless me! Thank You, God, for giving him to me!
God bless my kitty, and God bless me! She’s as pretty as she can be!
"Puppies and kittens are cherished members of the family in today’s
homes. And even the littlest tykes love their pets and will adore these
sweet pictures of all different types and colors of puppies and kittens
with the cute text that accompanies.
Fun rhyming text about all the things we love about puppies and kitties will accompany adorable photos. By thanking God for their pet, children will have a tangible way to see God’s blessings to them"
Fun rhyming text about all the things we love about puppies and kitties will accompany adorable photos. By thanking God for their pet, children will have a tangible way to see God’s blessings to them"
*Suitable for children ages 1-5
*Children will love these adorable real-life photos of puppies and kittens
*Through thankfulness for their pets, children will learn to be thankful for the many blessings in their lives
My Thoughts:
If you follow my blog, then you know that my family is pet lovers. It has been a tough year and half, as we had to put down our oldest dog, Manny, last August, and then this past March Abby (who I rescued prior to starting my cancer treatment in 2008) had a seizure, which left her paralyzed and then had to be put down after not coming back from a second seizure a day later. Growing up, I loved animals, especially dogs. Even though we didn't get a pet in our house until I was in high school, as my parents didn't want to worry about the upkeep and care of a pet if my brothers and I didn't take care of them, or worry about finding a place to place them when we went away, I still loved playing with cats and dogs when I would see them at the stores or at friends and family's houses. I knew that when I had children one day, I wanted to share the unconditional love a pet provides with them.
The girls were able to enjoy Manny and Abby for a short time, and we have some great photo memories to cherish. And, now that they are getting older, they are learning how to help take care of Lily, by helping to walk her, give her treats and fill her water bowl with water. It is so nice to see them interacting together, especially when they play fetch or simply roll around the floor with Lily, or snuggle up next to her on the couch and sleep together. I love that they have a place in their hearts for animals, and shower Lily with hugs and kisses daily.
So, when I saw that Tommy Nelson was releasing two new board books last month especially for cat and dog lovers, I had to get my hands on a copy of each to share with Savannah and Arabella. I don't know what it is, but Savannah goes crazy for cats. Two of her first words beyond Mommy and Daddy was "cat" and "meow." I am allergic to cats, while my husband doesn't like having to clean litter boxes, so we have never had or would be able to get a cat. But, I love sharing books about cats with her, as I know she loves them. And, when she saw "Thank You, God,, for Kittens," she got so excited, grabbed the book from hand and sat on the living room floor, flipping through the board book pages. She couldn't get over the cute little kittens that filled the pages of this book, and loved showing them off to Arabella. Savannah would point out the number of kittens on a given page, along with their coat color and tap their noses. She even showed Arabella what kittens like best, as she rubbed the page where the kitten's head was, and would say , "Purrr." It was so cute to watch the girls enjoying this book, filled with rhyming text, which kept the girls engaged.
As for the puppies book, they loved this book just as much, and had a blast showing Lily the different dogs, as they flipped through the pages. One page made me a little sad, as the puppy on the page looked like Abby. When Savannah flipped to this page, she ran over to me and said, "Look, Mommy...Abby." Then, she asked where Abby was in the house. I had to tell her she was in Heaven with Manny, but that she was looking down on us, and loved how she took care of Lily (who was her best friend). Savannah is too young to understand about Heaven and death, but she surprised me and pointed to the sky and said, "Love you, Abby!"
Overall, these are cute little board books that children will enjoy flipping through the pages themselves, or having the rhyming text read to them. And, they are small enough to fit in the diaper bag, or to be carried around by little ones for on-the-go reading. :-)
You can preview these two cute board books here: "Thank you God for Kittens" and "Thank you God for Puppies"
Both of these board books are available online for purchase from Tommy Nelson for $6.99, as are other wonderful books for little one to read and enjoy. :-)
One lucky reader will a copy of either the cat or dog version of this book, thanks to the folks at Tommy Nelson. To enter, please complete the entries on the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck!
Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the vendor in order to write
up an honest review. The views shared are mine and mine alone.
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