I hope all the mothers out there had a wonderful Mother's Day, and that you were able to spend it with your children. My family and I went to NH for a couple of days -- but, had to cut our trip short, as the girls (and now I) came down with a nasty virus going around. So much for the spring being here, and the winter colds gone. Turns out there the nasty stomach bug we were hit with most of Dec. is still lingering around. And, now, there is a head cold/virus that many families are suffering from. Hopefully you and your family aren't sick, and remain healthy, as this virus is really a pain in butt. With little ones, they don't understand congestion and runny noses, and haven't gotten the concept of blowing their nose yet. So, when they try to take a good breath or breath through their noses and can't, they freak out. We have been up the past few night with them -- and tonight is more of the same. :-( Hoping they feel better in the AM.
While we had so many plans made for our Mother's Day trip to NH, we ended up having to make changes at the last minute, when we came home to CT. My parents joined us, as did a few friends and neighbors, to help celebrate Mother's Day. We ended up having a brunch at my house, where everyone brought one of their favorite dishes. I was in charge of dessert, as I love to bake, and get in the kitchen with Savannah. One tradition I have kept since childhood is making Italian pizzelle cookies to give to my mom. My grandmother used to have my brothers and I over the day before Mother's Day, and she would teach us how to make these and other Italian cookies. Who knew that there were so many variations on the Pizzelle cookie? While she stayed true to her Sicilian roots and would make them with anise and vanilla extract, she did tell us that neighbors and friends of hers would make chocolate ones (by adding cocoa to the batter), or orange or banana flavored ones (by substituting the anise extract with orange or banana extract). I have tried other versions over the years, but have to agree with grandmother, that her recipe is best, and that a pizzelle is not the same, if is doesn't have anise extract in it. :-)
Here is the recipe that my grandmother passed down to me, and that I have been using for years now. These Italian pizzelles are so easy to make, and make for a great accompaniment to coffee and tea, or as a grab and go snack.
YIELD - Makes 30 Pizzelle cookies
* 3 eggs
* 1 3/4 c. flour
* 1/2 tsp. anise extract
* 1/2 c. UNSALTED butter (1/4 lb.) (melted and cooled)
* 2 tsp. baking powder
* 3/4 c. sugar
* 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1. In a small bowl, beat the 3 eggs and sugar together. Then, add the cooled melted butter, vanilla and anise to the mix. Set aside.
2. In a larger bowl. sift the flour and baking powder. Then, slowly add in the egg/sugar mixture to the dry ingredients, making sure to mix and scrape down sides to fully incorporate.
3. Drop the stiff batter by spoonfuls onto a hot Pizzelle machine. Cook the Pizzelle according the machine instructions, or for a minute.
Note: You can store the prepared/unused batter in the bowl, wrapped with plastic wrap, in the refrigerator for a few days.
4. Let Pizzelles cool completely before storing an in airtight container.
I love how one single recipe can make 30+ pizzelles, depending on how big your Pizzelle iron is, and how much batter you add to the irons. I like to add only 1 tsp. to each side of the iron, as this seems to make perfectly shaped Pizzelles, without any batter seeping out the sides of the machine. While the recipe is easy to whip, make sure you are ready to spend a minimum of 30 minutes standing at the Pizzelle iron, as it takes about 1 minute to cook a pair of Pizzelle cookies, and then you continue to add more batter until it is all used up.
Like I said, there are so many variations to the original anise Pizzelle, and the same goes for toppings. My grandmother would fill one empty coffee container (how she stored her Pizzelles) with plain ones, while another coffee container would have Pizzelles, which had powdered sugar sprinkled on them. My favorite has always been the Pizzelles with the powdered sugar, while my brothers like to top theirs with whipped cream and raspberries and blueberries. However you choose to enjoy this Pizzelle, have fun, and hopefully you will start a tradition with your family. I had a blast in the kitchen this weekend, as my oldest daughter mustered up enough energy to help me stir the Pizzelle batter, and sample them for me. Maybe down the road, she will go to my Mom's house the day before Mother's Day, with Arabella, and make me Pizzelles, or stay home and help me make Pizzelles for my Mom. Either way, we will continue to enjoy tasty Pizzelles on Mother's Day with either a cold glass of milk for the kids to dip their cookies in, or a hot cup of coffee and tea for the adults.
Do you make Pizzelles? If so, what variations do you use, and how do you like to serve them? I would love to hear from you, so please leave your thoughts in the comments section below. :-)
While in the kitchen this past weekend, I got to try out over a dozen new kitchen tools I was sent to review from the folks at Good Cook.

I couldn't believe how many of them I was able to use in my family's Pizzelle recipe along. From the 11 inch Whisk, to the Measuring Cup 3PC, Measure from above and 3 piece multicolored mixing bowls (shown below), my counter top was covered with Good Cook products. :-)

After trying out all the Good Cook kitchen tools, I have to say that my favorite by far was the Mixing Bowl 3 Piece Set, Multicolored, which is available from the Good Cook website right now for only $22.40 (and scroll down to learn how to save an additional 10% off now). With my daughters helping me in the kitchen with baking, I don't have to worry about the mixing bowls slipping and sliding around on the counter, or worse, falling to the floor. These mixing (which come in a small, medium and large size -- Fresh blue (5-qt.), yellow (3-qt.), and red (1.5-qt.) color set) have non-slip rubber bases, keeping them from slipping on the counter. And, with a narrow pour spout and easy grip handles, the girls can help with more hands on baking steps, now that my kitchen is equipped with Good Cook kitchen tools. Here are some photos my husband snapped of Savannah helping me with the Pizzelle batter the other day.
She, too, is loving the colorful mixing bowls, and other kitchen tools I was sent to review. I love being able to teach her at a young age what each kitchen tool is used for, and how to properly use it.
When it comes to kitchen tools, do you find yourself using hand me down products that your mother or another relative gave you? Or, have you been using cheap kitchen tools you have picked up on sale? I remember back in college, my mom sent me away with a box full of kitchen gadgets and tools. While I would cook with her and my Nana, for the life of me, I had no idea how to use many of the items she sent me to school with. It wasn't until I moved into an apartment with my now husband and began cooking for us, that I finally learned about the different kitchen tools and what they are used for. But, most importantly, I also learned that you need to have top quality kitchen gadgets and tools, if you want to cook and bake properly. So, over the years, I have asked my husband and family to give me kitchen tools for my birthday, and Santa always seems to surprise me with a stocking full of them, too. :-) Now, whenever I open my kitchen drawers, I love seeing top of the line kitchen tools, and knowing what they are used for. It makes cooking and baking so much easier.
Have you been looking to update your kitchen tools, but don't know where to look for top quality products. Look no further than Good Cook.Once you try out Good Cook products, if you haven't already, you will find yourself throwing out your old kitchen tools and wanting to replace them all with Good Cook ones. I have been using their products for years, and recently become a Good Cook Kitchen Expert. As a Good Cook Kitchen Expert, I am able to try out different kitchen tools, share family recipes, chat with other Good Cook fans, and even participate in some fun events.
Right now, Good Cook is running a Touch Hunt. I have been sharing posts and giveaways as part of the Good Cook Touch Treasure Hunt on my blog and social media pages. And, with only a few days left until the hunt ends on May 21st, I wanted to not only remind readers about the hunt, but also share more information about it, for those who may have missed my posts -- as there is still time to join in on the fun, for your chance to win Good Cook kitchen tools and more.
Here is my Touch Icon, in case you missed it, or are just beginning your Touch Hunt search.
Find more codes and clues on participating blogger sites! click here for a complete list There are 115 icon codes to find in total. And, for those who find all or the most, will be entered in the final drawing, where 3 winners will each receive a Good Cook Prize Pack valued at $340.00 each.
While you are searching other Good Cook Touch Hunt blog hosted sites, make sure you also take time to visit the Good Cook website and browse their selection of kitchen tools. During the Touch Hunt going on now until May 21st, you will receive a 30% off instant savings on all Touch Items. And, just for Inspired by Savannah readers, make sure you use promo code "HUNT" at checkout to receive an extra 10% off. Act fast, as this promo code is good until May 21st (the last day of the Touch Hunt)
Good luck on the final few days of the Good Cook Touch Hunt. I hope you win! :-)
Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor as part of the Good Cook Touch Hunt, and to try out and write up an honest review on. The views shared are mine and mine alone.
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