
Friday, May 24, 2013

Blood Pressure Down: The 10-Step Plan to Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Weeks -- Without Prescription Drugs By Janet Bond Brill, PH.D, R.D., LDN -- Review and #Giveaway

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book by the publisher in order to write up an honest review.  The views shared are mine and mine alone.

Nationally recognized nutrition, health, and fitness expert Dr. Janet Bond Brill’s 10-step plan to lower your blood pressure in 4 weeks, Blood Pressure Down

Published by Three Rivers Press
Paperback: 352 pages
May 7, 2013; $15.00 US/$18.00 CAN; 9780307986351
Buy now at Amazon for only $11.98.


"For the 75 million Americans with hypertension, a safe, effective plan for lowering blood pressure without prescription drugs

Nearly a third of the adult US population has been diagnosed with hypertension, and another quarter is well on its way. High blood pressure is the most preventable cause of premature death and disability in the world, but of all the people diagnosed, a whopping 56 percent do not have it under control. With recent controversy in the news about the potential dangers of blood pressure drugs, patients are more interested than ever in lowering their blood pressure through diet and exercise.

Dr. Janet Brill's program provides an alternative to prescription medications, based on a combination of functional foods, a simple regimen of exercise, and modest calorie restriction. The program can also be used alongside medicinal therapy, potentially allowing patients to lower their dosages and decrease potential side effects. Backed by solid research and complete with checklists, charts, and over 50 delicious heart-healthy recipes, Blood Pressure Down gives readers the tools and knowledge they need to lower their blood pressure naturally."


My Thoughts:

As a health educator by trade, I have conducted countless health education classes and seminars on hypertension, and offered ways to maintain optimal blood pressure, in order to prevent further health problems like a heart attack, stroke, kidney failure and more.  High blood pressure is also known as a silent killer, as many people are not aware that they are suffering from hypertension, until it is too late. 

Personally, I try to change my diet, or look for non-medicated alternatives when it comes to dealing with health conditions.  After having cancer and spending years prior on various medicines for my arthritis, which have been pulled off the market due since, the last thing I want to have to rely on is medicine for medical conditions.  There is so many conditions, like hypertension and pre-diabetes that can be resolved with simple changes to one's lifestyle.

Even though I am no longer working as a health educator, I still enjoy staying up to date on health related studies and books.  So, when I heard about this book being released by Janet Bond Brill, I couldn't wait to get a hold of a copy, and see how she explains hypertension, and the ways people can lower their blood pressure, without the need or medicine. 

As I began reading Dr. Janet Brill's book, I liked how she was presenting the material.  Unlike other books on this topic, which the author talks down to the person, Dr. Janet Brill presents the material at hand, in a easy to understand way, as if she were talking to you.  I loved this, I know that those suffering from hypertension, will feel more confident in their ability to lower their blood pressure, and not beat themselves up for the lifestyle choices which have led them to be borderline hypertensive or have hypertension, and need medicine to regulate their condition.  I have family members who suffer from hypertension and have written it off as another medical condition in which they can take medicine for and not worry about.  But, this is not the case.  And, after sharing this book with them, they, too, are on the road to finally lower their blood pressure, and finally get off of their hypertension medicine once and for all.

I was not sure how Janet Bond Brill would present her 10-step plan to lower one's blood pressure in 4 weeks, without overwhelming readers, or making them feel like this was an unachievable goal.  I know for me, who has been on a diet to lose the excess baby weight since Jan., that it is hard to stick to a weekly diet plan, let alone a 4 week plan to lower blood pressure.  But, like I said, Janet Bond Brill, breaks everything done into simple terms, in regards to how to properly monitor your blood pressure, talking about the different types of exercises one can do to lower their blood pressure and cardiovascular disease risks, in addition to foods to avoid, including salt.  A fan of cookbooks and new recipes, I was happy to see a section in the back of the book dedicated to heart healthy recipes, which also were simple to create.  You don't have to be a cook to make healthier meals, like Salmon Black Bean Quesadillas, shown below.

Overall, I have to say that I was thoroughly impressed with this new release from Janet Bond Brill, and know that her book will help those trying to take control of their high blood pressure once and for all.  And, with her book, this goal can be achieved in 10 easy steps. :-)


One lucky reader will win a copy of this book, thanks to the publisher, .  To enter, please complete the entries on the Rafflecopter below.  Good luck!
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About the Author:

Janet Bond Brill, Ph.D., R.D., LDN, 
author of Blood Pressure Down: The 10-Step Plan to Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Weeks -- Without Prescription Drugs, is a nationally recognized expert in cardiovascular disease prevention and the author of Cholesterol Down and Prevent a Second Heart Attack. She has been a nutritionist in private practice for many years.

For more information please visit, and follow the author on Facebook and Twitter

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book by the publisher in order to write up an honest review.  The views shared are mine and mine alone.


  1. this book would come in handy for my husband who has high blood pressure thanks for sharing

  2. followed you on pinterest

  3. for my sis who has high blood pressure - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com
