"Embark on the wildest of adventures – a thrilling journey based on the Rudyard Kipling classic. Join the young, wild Mowgli on his search of a village he can call home and meet the wacky, wonderful – and sometimes wily – jungle animals who tangle with him on his way.
When young Mowgli finds himself alone in the heart of the jungle, he is adopted by the Seeonee Wolf Pack, befriended by the bear, Baloo…and hunted by the evil tiger, Shere Khan, who vows to destroy him. With the help of some jungle teachers, including the wise panther, Bagheera, Mowgli learns the secrets of the wild and the language of the land. He even outwits the riotous Bander-Log monkeys and wins over stealthy Kaa, the crafty Python! But it will take all of his wits to keep himself and his friends out of danger when the mighty Shere Khan returns. Packed with exciting adventure, lush, eye-catching animation and unforgettable animal friends, The Jungle Book is an enchanting tale for creatures of all ages."
My Thoughts:
Ever since I watched Jungle Book 2 with Savannah, she is in love with everything Mowgli. One of her favorite songs to sing and dance to is "Bare Necessities, from this classic movie. So, when I recently heard that Shout! Factory would be releasing "The Jungle Book: Adventures of Mowgli Complete Collection on DVD, June 18th, I had to get my hands on a screener copy to watch with her. And, this past week, as she and Arabella were still trying to kick the nasty head cold and virus they (and now I have) for the past couple of weeks, Savannah's spirits were lifted when she saw the DVD for this new Shout! Factory release. Before I could get it out of the wrapper, she had gathered up all her Mowgli and Baloo toys, and had them propped on the pillow next to her, ready to watch this series.
This international animated series first released in Japan in 1989, but quickly become a favorite story of people all over the world, including my girls and I. I didn't expect to watch all 6 DVDs in one week, but we did. In total there are 52 fun filled episodes that will have Jungle Book fans young and old sitting up to take notice and enjoy. All your favorite characters from the classic Rudyard Kipling classic are present in this DVD set.
Even though the girls have already watched this DVD set once, I can see them asking to see the episodes time and again, as they really were beautifully done, and entertaining to watch.
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this DVD collection from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views shared are mine and mine alone.
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