Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this DVD from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views shared are mine and mine alone.

My Thoughts:
My nephews and husband can't get enough on "Monsuno," a half-hour action animated adventure series,which airs on Nicktoons. The popular series follows a group of kids who wrestle with the power to command and battle creates called "Monsuno". What are "Monsuno" you ask?
"Millions of years ago, “Monsuno,” a living DNA, hitched a ride to Earth in a concentrated asteroid pocket. When it landed on Earth, the impact drove the dinosaurs into extinction. The “Monsuno” DNA lay dormant until a scientist named Jeredy Suno activated it, sending a rippling wave of movement back into action. By doing so, Jeredy may have reignited the end of the world but he also created its salvation, the “Monsuno” monsters. Now, it’s up to his son Chase to learn the secrets of “Monsuno” and help save the world from impending destruction."
Sounds interesting, huh? I have watched a handful of the episodes with my family, and have found myself getting into the shows. But, if you ask my husband or nephews, they could chew your ear off about this show, and all the amazing episodes they have seen, since "Monsuno" prepared on Nicktoons back in February 2012.
This upcoming DVD release contains 5 action filled episodes, that will have an "Monsuno" fan cheering about. And, for those who are not familiar with this popular series, this DVD release is a great way to introduce you to Chase Suno and his friends, including the Monsuno, Lock, who was created by his dad (who has gone missing), to help protect him.
We received the screener copy a couple of weeks ago, and my husband and nephews have already watched it half a dozen times, including the character bios, which make the special features section. Any Monsuno fan will love to own this upcoming DVD release, to add to their Monsuno collection. As my family waits for another DVD to release in this popular animated series, they will enjoy watching Monsuno:Power over and over again. :-)
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this DVD from the vendor in order
to write up an honest review. The views shared are mine and mine
I hadn't heard of this before, thanks for sharing!