Thursday, April 25, 2013

Mother's Day Gift Ideas -- Cross Country Cafe, an e-cafe Serving up Keurig K-cups and Single Serve Pods at Affordable Prices (Review and Giveaway)

Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in order to write up an honest review.  The views I share are mine and mine alone.

I can't have a gift guide without including my morning pick me up, and what gets me through the day.  No, I am not talking about wine. :-)  I am talking about coffee!!! Usually something strong in the AM, and then again at night, if I am up writing blog posts. :-)  For Christmas the year before last, my husband surprised me with a Keurig coffee maker.  I have to admit I am a simple type girl, and am used to boiling water in a teapot my Mom gave me in college, or using a French Press picked up at a yard sale to make a great tasting cup of coffee from recently ground coffee beans.  But, having two little ones who like to rise either before, or shortly after I do, I don't have the luxury to grind fresh coffee beans daily.  Instead, I had relied on instant coffee poured into the same coffee pot I bought when my husband and I moved into our first apartment after college.  While other friends were upgrading to the new Keurig machine, I kept telling my husband I was happy with the things I had -- but, I secretly wished Santa would bring me one of these machines.  I loved how you could switch up the different K-Cups depending on your mood, either by having different strength or flavored coffees, to having teas (hot or iced) and even hot chocolate.  I just thought this was the neatest thing.  Didn't you?

I guess Santa heard my request, as a new Keurig machine found its way under my Christmas tree, and a prominent spot on my kitchen counter.  Since switching to this new machine, I have been able to experiment with different flavored coffees -- something I otherwise would not have, as I hated to buy bags of coffee of a new flavor, or to waste it if I didn't like how it tasted.  With the use of the K-Cups, I was now able to buy sampler boxes, to enjoy myself, and offer up to family and friends who come to visit.

But, if you own a Keurig or other machine which takes K-Cups, then you know how expensive buying these little single serving cups are.  I tend to shop around to find the best deals on them, and will stock up on favorites when the price is right.  I have found that the best deals are found online, where you can also find a larger assortment of K-Cup flavors -- more than what I find in local stores.  So, last month when I was looking to restock up on K-Cups, I stumbled across Cross Country Cafe, family-owned Keurig Authorized Distributor online.  I was amazed at their product offering, and saw flavors and brands I never knew existed, like Wolfgang Puck's line of K-cups.

Upon reaching out to the folks Cross Country Cafe, they agreed to sent out two sample boxes of my choice, as well as offer a giveaway of two boxes of the winner's choice for a giveaway (scroll down to enter), as part of my Mother's Day Gift guide.  And, within a few days of sending in my requested two flavors, I received the Wolfgang Puck Jamaica Me Crazy Keurig K-cups and Celestial Seasonings® Authentic Green Tea Keurig K-cups to review, right to my doorstep.

If it wasn't for Cross Country Cafe, I would never have known about or sampled the Wolfgang Puck Jamaica Me Crazy Keurig K-Cups.  But, I am so glad that I did, as it tasted great.  As for the Celestial Seasonings® Authentic Green Tea Keurig K-cups, this was also tasty, and has become a popular request from family and friends who come to visit.  I love the convenience of the K-cups, but especially love how affordable they are from Cross Country Cafe.  Both the Wolfgang Puck box of 24 K-cups and Celestial Seasonings® box of 24 K-cups are only $13.75 here, as are many other K-cups.  Now, I don't have to research to find the best deals when it comes time to restock, as I only need to head online to Cross Country Cafe to place my order, and sit back and wait for my order to arrive at my doorstep.  Easy as 1-2-3! :-)  All, without breaking the bank.

So, with Mother's Day fast approaching, why not pick up a few boxes of K-Cup flavors from Cross Country Cafe to have on hand to serve your Mom and guests.  It is always nice to chat over a hot cup of coffee.  I know as I remember seeing my Mom enjoy this time with friends and family when we were little. And, now, I find myself enjoying this connection over a good cup of coffee from my Keurig machine. :-)


Celestial Seasonings® Authentic Green Tea Keurig Kcups

The kind folks at Cross Country Cafe are offering one lucky reader a chance to try out two (2) K-Cup boxes of their choice.  To enter, please complete the entries on the Rafflecopter form below.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in order to write up an honest review.  The views I share are mine and mine alone.


  1. I've been using Cross Country Cafe for about 6 months now and I have to say they're great! Even when I find another store that does a "Buy 2 get 1 free" CCC STILL beats their price! Also, April keeps it interesting on their blog ( Love these people!

  2. I'd love to win. I repinned to my Yummies board. I repinned to my "Yummies" board

    Pinterest name: ProudPatriot

  3. heres my pin for my coffee..thanks

  4. my pin name is amy tolley

  5. I'd choose the Green Mountain 'DOUBLE BLACK DIAMOND EXTRA BOLD' and the 'SUMATRAN RESERVE EXTRA BOLD FAIR TRADE ORGANIC' as my 2 flavors if I won. (Raine on RC)

  6. (Raine on RC)

  7. Pinterest name: Jo (Raine on RC)
