Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views shared are mine and mine alone.
A few weeks ago, I shared a Spotlight on Mom post with you from Stephanie Baldwin of Create Abilities For Kids'. If you missed my Spotlight Interview, click here to read it now: http://www.inspiredbysavannah.com/2013/04/spotlight-on-mom-stephanie-baldwin-of.html.
With all the craziness that has been going on with Boston, I have had to push back many of my review posts, as I have been consumed, like so many others with the coverage, mainly because I have family who lives in Boston area, including Watertown, where the standoff was, and had friends who ran in the marathon. So, when I was not glued to the television hoping and waiting for the terrorists to be caught, I was on the phone or visiting with friends and loved ones, making sure they were OK.
One of the handful of reviews set to go live last week was my review of her March monthly arts and crafts box that was sent to me last month for review with my daughter. Savannah and I had a great time with the two arts and crafts projects that came in the All-inclusive Art Activity Kits monthly Subscription box that is mailed directly to your doorstep (scroll down to learn how you can order new individual kits now), and includes everything you need to complete the projects. As a Mom, this is what I loved best about the service, as I didn't have to look through the house for paintbrushes or other art supplies to complete the arts and crafts projects.

Example of how each Create Abilities For Kids' project comes
I was sent the March Create Abilities For Kids' box, which included Footprint Flowers" and "Rainbow and Clouds" projects. Each craft kit came with easy to follow instructions, along with a photo of what the final project should look like. Note all art is unique, so don't expect your child's to look just like the photo on the instructions sheet. This is the beauty of doing arts and crafts projects with your children, as they get to experiment with new mediums and can put their own personal spin on things.
The first project we did was the "Footprint Flowers" one. I wasn't sure how Savannah would react to this one, as she doesn't like to get her hands, let along her feet dirty. The littlest dirt or food on hands, and she is freaking out, to have us wipe them clean. So, when I showed her what the final piece was supposed to look like, and then explained how we would make it happen, I was not surprised when she said, "No, thank you." Instead, I helped her make flowers with the foam brushes and paints included in the kit. As we were wrapping up the project, Arabella walked over to see. This is when the fun happened, as Arabella began finger painting all over the sheet of paper Savannah and I had just made our flowers on. At first, Savannah got upset, but then the unexpected happened -- she stuck her fingers in the paint and began to copy Arabella. And, for the next 10 minutes, they filled this and other construction paper I put in front of them with their unique finger painting masterpieces. At cleanup, Savannah realized that she could have fun and get dirty, and that a little water and soap would get her hands clean. :-)
As for the "Rainbow and Clouds" project, I had to wait to do with Savannah when Arabella was sleeping, as I knew she would want to eat the marshmallows and fruity "O" cereal. I remember doing this art project as child? Do you? I used this art project as a way to practice colors, counting and sorting with Savannah. Before we began, I had her sort the "O" cereal pieces by color into piles. Then, we counted up each pile to see how many "O" cereal pieces we had in total. We also counted the marshmallows, which Savannah loved to squeeze between her fingers and see puff back out. :-)
I have to say that out of the two projects, this was Savannah's favorite. She loved all the colors and being able to line the "O" cereal up to make a rainbow. That night when Daddy came home from work, she was so proud of her rainbow, she couldn't wait to show it off. It is still on the front of refrigerator, to be admired by all. :-)
And, just yesterday, I received an email from Stephanie of Create Abilities For Kids' letting me know that their all-inclusive Art Activity Kits can now be purchased individually, in quantities of your choice through their web site. Each purchase would be a one-time
order, making the shipping a less burdensome cost to our customers,
particularly when ordered in multiple quantities.
"We are very excited about this new way to offer our products to
customers and believe this will make our Art Activity Kits more
affordable for everyone. We will also be continuously adding new
projects each month to choose from."
I will definitely be buying these individual kits for the girls, and will be getting some to put in the goody bags for Savannah's upcoming birthday party. You can never have enough art projects on hand for rainy days, or when you are looking for something fun to do with the kids. And, with the help of Stephanie Baldwin of Create Abilities For Kids' all-inclusive Art Activity Kits, she will make planning an arts and crafts afternoon that much easier. So, instead of stressing to gather up all the supplies and materials needed, you can enjoy rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands dirty, alongside your child.
Visit www.createabilitiesforkids.com to see their selection of Art Activity Kits available for purchase.
Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views shared are mine and mine alone.
This is such a great idea. I like how the boxes come with everything you need. I like things like this that encourage creativity in children. Thanks for the review :)