I just love NCircle Entertainment! If you haven't checked out their website lately, you definitely have to make a point to do so before Easter, as they have a large assortment of DVDs, with many only $5.99 each. Is your child a fan of any of the following popular shows, which air on PBS Kids, Sprout and other children's networks?
Almost Naked Animals
Animal Atlas
Award Winning
Busytown Mysteries
Cat in the Hat
Chloe's Closet
Dino Dan
Dive Olly Dive
Kitten Party
Legend of Zelda
Mighty Machines
Noodle and Doodle
Prima Princessa
Puppy Party
Sid the Science Kid
Super Mario Bros
The Fairies
The Gruffalo
The Wiggles
Word World
Yo Gabba Gabba
If you answered "Yes" to them liking any/or all of the above shows, then you will be happy to know that NCircle Entertainment carries these hit shows on DVD at reasonable prices. Whenever I am looking to add to my daughters' movie collection, my first stop is here. And, with Easter right around the corner, I was excited to hear that NCircle Entertainment would be offering the following four DVDs, along with a bonus puzzle, especially for Easter. I had the opportunity to review each of these titles with my girls, and had a blast watching them play with the puzzles included. What a deal --- a DVD and puzzle for only $5.99. So, what are you waiting for? Head on over to NCircle Entertainment -- after you read my reviews and enter my giveaway below -- to pick up these and other hit television shows on DVD for your child's Easter basket.
"Here comes the unforgettable Pocoyo - charming as always - along with friends new and old! Pocoyo and his pals -- Pato, Elly and Louella - play together in heart-warming adventures filled with laughter and learning. Whether helping a friend feel better or watching a hungry caterpillar transform into a butterfly, these friends are always there for one another! Filled with sights and sounds perfectly tailored to encourage child development, Pocoyo & Friends is preschool entertainment especially designed to delight your child!"
Disc #1 -- Pocoyo: Pocoyo and Friends
Pocoyo's Little Friend
Pocoyo, Pocoyo
Fussy Duck
Elly Spots
Puppy Love
Pato's Postal Service
Elly's Doll
Bonus - Hopla Episode
My Thoughts:
Even though the characters don't speak much in this hit animated series, young children, find this show to be very appealing. If you haven't seen this show, you will definitely want to check it out, as it follows a little boy and his friends Elly the pink elephant, Loula the dog, Pato the duck and sleepy bird. The characters appear on a white screen, and steal the show with their bold and 0h-so bright colors. Each of the episodes on this DVD are about 10-12 mintues in length, making it ideal for even the youngest of viewers, and great for keeping a preschooler or toddler's attention. savannah has been a fan of this show since we flipped through the channels and caught this on Nick Jr. a few years back. And, since, she loves imitating the characters, as she watches them interact together.
I couldn't believe how much a child could learn just by watching this show. In a given episode, you are shown the importance of things like teamwork, perservereance, and friendship, to name a few. Once you see this show, if you haven't already, you will be hooked, like my family and so many other families are. And, don't be surprised if you find yourself loving this show, and wanting to watch with your little ones. Pocoyo is a cutie!

"Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!: A
Breeze from the Trees movie was released Mar 06, 2012 by the NCircle
Entertainment studio. This animated release for kids offers five stories
from the Dr. Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!: A Breeze from the
Trees movie Suess inspired series THE CAT IN THE HAT KNOWS A LOT ABOUT
THAT, all following the titular feline as he explores the world and
helps others -- like a bird that needs him to babysit an egg."
My Thoughts:
As you know, both of my daughters are huge Cat in the Hat Knows a
Lot About That! fans, with Savannah even knowing the whole theme song.
So, you can only imagine how excited they were when I was sent this DVD to watch over the weekend, followed up by the playing with the bonus puzzle included. :-) As they both
stood front and center in the middle of the living, they couldn't take
their eyes of the screen for the duration of the DVD, which is an hour
in length. Well, they did break from staring to dance around the living
room, when their favorite song, "Here We Go, Go, Go, on an
Adventure..." came on. Savannah sang all the words in the song, as she
flapped her wings, pretending she was flying along the with the Cat.
This DVD is made up of 3 fun filled adventures that include the following episodes:
This DVD is made up of 3 fun filled adventures that include the following episodes:
- Nest Best Thing
- The Lost Egg
- The Tree Doctor

"Radio Read-a-Thon: Duck asks Frog to read his favorite book on Ant s
radio station but what happens when Frog's tongue gets tangled? Duck's
First Sleepover Party: Duck attends his first WordFriend sleepover party
and discovers a B-E-D can be just as comfy as a nest. Pig's big
Moonlight Feast: When Pig is too sick to cook a special feast, Duck and
Dog help out-and almost ruin the meal in the process! Through rhythm,
Duck learns that a quick change of a letter can turn a fiasco into a
feast. V is for Vacation: Duck goes on a wild goose chase to learn what
letter he needs to take him to his winter vacation."
Disc #1 -- WordWorld: Lucky Duck
1. Radio Read-a-Thon [12:30]
1. Duck's First Sleepover Party [12:30]
1. Pig's Big Moonlight Feast [12:30]
1. V is for Vacation [12:30]
4 Build-a-word songs
"Circus Train" music video
My Thoughts:
I am just loving this show, which airs daily on PBS Kids, as it has helped Savannah tremendously when it comes to letter and word recognition and spelling. Even though she is only 2 1/2 yrs. old, she is already spelling 3-4 letter words, can recite the alphabet and can identify each letter, thanks in part to this educational show. Out of all the shows on PBS Kids, I have to say that this one is definitely my favorite, as it makes learning to spell fun. Oh, and don't get me started on the catchy theme song. I find myself singing along to it with Savannah each day. :-)
I can see this hit television series being a great resource for parents with toddlers and preschoolers, looking for a fun way to get children excited about vocabulary and learning how to read. If you were to buy just one DVD for your child this Easter, this would be the one I would recommend.
I can see this hit television series being a great resource for parents with toddlers and preschoolers, looking for a fun way to get children excited about vocabulary and learning how to read. If you were to buy just one DVD for your child this Easter, this would be the one I would recommend.

"It's springtime and that means it's time to hunt for Easter eggs!
Explorer Sid searches under every bush and behind every tree to find all
the hidden eggs. But wait, he also finds…a big, shiny rock! Could it be
a treasure? Elated, Sid brings the rock to school to identify what it
could be. Join Sid and his friends on a special Easter investigation,
and sort different kinds of rocks on an Easter Rock Hunt!"
Sid's Rock and Roll Easter
Bonus Episode: All My Senses
Bonus Songs:
Rock Song
The Look Around
Waves of Sound
Beautiful Trees
You Look Different (and You are Growing)
The Colors of the Rainbow
My Thoughts:
What a fun Easter themed DVD to share with children. They don't have to be fans of this popular PBS Kids series to enjoy this DVD, which focuses on Sid and his friends going on an Easter Rock Hunt. This is another show hat has catchy songs, and does a great job in explaining the who/what/where/why/how of things. If your child has ever wondered about something, I am guessing there has been a Sid the Science Kid episode about it -- or will be soon. ;-) Sid is a very curious boy, who is always wondering why things happen and how they happen. And, with the help of his friends, teacher and parents, he spends an entire episode learning about science related things, in such a way that little ones can't help but get excited about things like an Easter Rock Hunt, or learning about your senses (which is a bonus episode on this DVD).
Overall, this is a great DVD and would make for a great addition to your Easter themed DVD Collection. Or, if your child is a huge Sid the Science Kid fan, they will definitely want to own this DVD, so that they can watch it over and over again! :-)
**Note: I ended up picking up another set to keep at my parents house the other day at Rite Aid. So, if you are doing last minute Easter candy shopping there, why not pick up one or all four of these fun NCircle Entertainment titles, including a puzzle, to add to your child's Easter basket?
lucky reader will win all four DVDs from above, thanks to the generous
folks at NCircle Entertainment. To enter this giveaway, please complete
the entries on the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck!!
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this DVD from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
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