Remember during the Christmas season last year when I mentioned that the USPS offers some great gift ideas that can be ordered from their online store and then shipped to the recipient in easy to mail boxes? If you missed my post/review, click here to read it now -- http://www.inspiredbysavannah.com/2012/12/holiday-gift-ideas-letters-to-santa.html. With Easter a few weeks away, I wanted to share a few gift ideas that can be purchased off of the USPS.com online store -- yes, they do have a store offering more than just shipping labels and packaging. I have to say, that if I hadn't stumbled upon a press release last November, I would have never known about their amazing selection of mailable gifts for children and adults. But, now that I do, I have been taking advantage of their product offering, and sent gifts to family and friends who live far away for Valentine's Day and Easter, and plan to continue with Mother's Day and birthdays this year. Just look at what you can order at a reasonable price at the USPS store, that would make for great Easter basket gifts:

This In the Mailbox Candy Hearts Bracelet, also only $9.99, has become Savannah's favorite "big girl" jewelry. She loves pairing it with all her outfits, and showing it off. :-)

Love puzzles? Then, why not pick up the Earthscapes Jigsaw Puzzle for only $17.95?

Say "I Love You," with this cute, cuddly In the Mailbox "I Love You" Bear for only $11.99.
Choosing a gift at one of the In the Mailbox Holiday Gift Centers found exclusively at the Postal Service or at www.usps.com/shop
is a great way to say "I love you." Loved ones everywhere will receive
love in the mail and the sender gets the gift of time saved.
Follow the Postal Service on www.twitter.com/USPS and at www.facebook.com/USPS

Click here to visit the online USPS.com store and browse their selection of gifts today -- https://store.usps.com/.
About the USPS:
Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and
relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its
operations. A self-supporting government enterprise, the U.S. Postal Service
is the only delivery service that reaches every address in the nation —
151 million residences, businesses and Post Office™ Boxes. The Postal
Service™ receives no tax dollars for operating expenses, and relies on
the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations. With
32,000 retail locations and the most frequently visited website in the
federal government, usps.com®, the Postal Service has annual revenue of more than $65 billion
and delivers nearly 40 percent of the world's mail. If it were a
private sector company, the U.S. Postal Service would rank 35th in the
2011 Fortune 500. In 2011, Oxford Strategic Consulting ranked the U.S.
Postal Service number one in overall service performance of the posts in
the top 20 wealthiest nations in the world. Black Enterprise and Hispanic Business magazines
ranked the Postal Service as a leader in workforce diversity. The
Postal Service has been named the Most Trusted Government Agency for six
years and the sixth Most Trusted Business in the nation by the Ponemon
Institute. "
Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
Those are so adorable!