
Friday, March 8, 2013

Create Delicious Easter Treats with Peeps

On Monday, I shared a post about how you could use Peeps to create beautiful Easter and Spring themed centerpieces.  If you missed my post, click here to read it now --  Today, I wanted to share more ways to use Peeps -- this time in fun and creative recipes.  Below are just a sampling of sweet Peeps treats you can make with this marshmallow snack.  I will be trying out each and every one in the coming weeks with the girls, and can't wait to surprise family and friends with our creations come Easter, when we get together for dinner.  I told everyone I was bringing dessert, and that it would be Peeps themed. They have no idea what is in store for them. :-)

Mmm, peanut butter — perfect nest for a Peep!


Two kinds of upgraded chocolate dipped Peeps

Here is another yummy  Yummy recipe for marshmallow nests, plus gift tags and paper cones, too!


Run-Away Rabbit Race Car Snack Cakes


 Cookies and Cups shares a recipe for a Peep topped Rice Krispie treat pizza.


Taste of Home has a recipe for a stunning Peeps Sunflower Cake. That’s a creative way to use Peeps!


Easter Peeps Cupcakes {And A Free Printable}
These sweet little peep cupcakes are fun and festive.  Follow the tutorial to make your own little hippity-hoppity cupcakes, and then print out the free “hop with me” flags  to add some flair.

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