"Finally, kids do come with instructions!
Surprisingly simple steps to boost your little child's sleep fast!
Dr. Harvey Karp made doctors applaud and parents cheer with his brilliant solutions to centuries-old problems such as colic and tantrums. Now, in THE HAPPIEST BABY GUIDE TO GREAT SLEEP: Simple Solutions for Kids from Birth to 5 Years (William Morrow Paperback; On-Sale: March 19, 2013; $15.99; ISBN: 9780062113320), Dr. Karp stuns the world again by solving the #1 problem plaguing new parents: exhaustion. Dr. Karp's surprising insights include:
How to train brand new babies to sleep better: Infants can be taught to sleep at least one extra hour from the first weeks of life! Dr. Karp shows how to safely boost baby sleep in just days.
What’s the best white noise (and which ones worsen sleep): The right white noise (low pitched and rumbling) is the key to good sleep—even through teething—for all babies. Plus, it even gives parents a more restful sleep
Why parents should always wake a sleeping baby: For good sleep, babies must learn how to self-soothe. The best way to teach babies how to fall back to sleep—when they rouse in the middle of the night—is to wake them just as they’re being put into bed.
How to enjoy the benefits - and avoid the risks - of swaddling: Swaddling dramatically improves a new baby’s sleep. Yet, many states are shockingly banning this ancient parenting tool. Smart moms should do it and Dr. Karp will teach them how to do it properly and safely.
The importance of powering down: Staring at bright screens at night (TVs, computers, phones) can wreak a toddler and a parent’s sleep.
Easy "no-cry" tips that end infant and toddler bedtime struggles in just days!
With THE HAPPIEST BABY GUIDE TO GREAT SLEEP, no longer will new parent have to suffer months of sleep deprivation and no longer will babies have to cry themselves to sleep. Backed by compelling science, common sense and decades of experience, Dr. Karp’s landmark guide will revolutionize how millions of children drift off to dreamland."
Surprisingly simple steps to boost your little child's sleep fast!
Dr. Harvey Karp made doctors applaud and parents cheer with his brilliant solutions to centuries-old problems such as colic and tantrums. Now, in THE HAPPIEST BABY GUIDE TO GREAT SLEEP: Simple Solutions for Kids from Birth to 5 Years (William Morrow Paperback; On-Sale: March 19, 2013; $15.99; ISBN: 9780062113320), Dr. Karp stuns the world again by solving the #1 problem plaguing new parents: exhaustion. Dr. Karp's surprising insights include:
How to train brand new babies to sleep better: Infants can be taught to sleep at least one extra hour from the first weeks of life! Dr. Karp shows how to safely boost baby sleep in just days.
What’s the best white noise (and which ones worsen sleep): The right white noise (low pitched and rumbling) is the key to good sleep—even through teething—for all babies. Plus, it even gives parents a more restful sleep
Why parents should always wake a sleeping baby: For good sleep, babies must learn how to self-soothe. The best way to teach babies how to fall back to sleep—when they rouse in the middle of the night—is to wake them just as they’re being put into bed.
How to enjoy the benefits - and avoid the risks - of swaddling: Swaddling dramatically improves a new baby’s sleep. Yet, many states are shockingly banning this ancient parenting tool. Smart moms should do it and Dr. Karp will teach them how to do it properly and safely.
The importance of powering down: Staring at bright screens at night (TVs, computers, phones) can wreak a toddler and a parent’s sleep.
Easy "no-cry" tips that end infant and toddler bedtime struggles in just days!
With THE HAPPIEST BABY GUIDE TO GREAT SLEEP, no longer will new parent have to suffer months of sleep deprivation and no longer will babies have to cry themselves to sleep. Backed by compelling science, common sense and decades of experience, Dr. Karp’s landmark guide will revolutionize how millions of children drift off to dreamland."
My Thoughts:
I was recently sent a copy of THE HAPPIEST BABY GUIDE TO GREAT SLEEP to review, and couldn't wait for it to arrive, as we have started to have issues with the girls not wanting to go to bed at night time. Savannah is back to sleeping in the car bed at the foot of our bed since her last bout with the stomach flu, and Arabella is up most nights out of habit, as she was recently breaking four teeth in, and has become irritable and not wanting to sleep at night time. So, I was hoping that this book would offer up some suggestions to help everyone in the house finally get a good night's sleep -- uninterrupted.
As I read through Dr. Karp's books, I kept thinking this is all common sense things to do, but after being sleep deprived for months now, I found that we weren't doing some of the things. Yes, we do have a bedtime routine of bath time, reading a book, and singing, but have found that when the girls get up in the night and fight to go back to bed, that my husband or myself either turn on the light to read a book as we rock them back to sleep, or worse the television, which only makes them want to stay up and see what's on.
I don't know about you, but I was never a fan of letting a baby cry it out. I know that they say to do this, but every time I heard my girls cry, it sounded like they were in pain, or the 5-10 minutes of non-stop crying would drive me bonkers, so I would have to go in and pick them up. But, thanks to some useful tips in the THE HAPPIEST BABY GUIDE TO GREAT SLEEP by Dr. Karp, I have learned been able to apply these tips, and they really work.
Even though it has only been a week since I began implementing techniques I learned from reading THE HAPPIEST BABY GUIDE TO GREAT SLEEP, I can say that the girls are finally sleeping 3-4 days out of the week in their rooms - and, drum roll....through the night. Now, when I am thinking about gifts to give for a baby shower, this book will be top on my list, along with a white noise machine for the new mom. :-)
So, if you struggle with getting your child to fall asleep and stay asleep at night, why not consider picking up a copy of THE HAPPIEST BABY GUIDE TO GREAT SLEEP by Dr. Karp? Within a few days, I began to see improvements in the way the girls were self soothing, and looking forward to bed time. Never thought I would say that. :-)
To learn more about THE HAPPIEST BABY GUIDE TO GREAT SLEEP, visit the Happiest Baby website - http://bit.ly/Yy14de.
About Dr. Harvey Karp
Disclosure: I am participating in a book review campaign with One2One Network. I received this book from Harper Collins for the purposes of reviewing it. I have not received compensation. My participation in the campaign enters me into a drawing for a gift card. All opinions stated are my own.
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