I have always been a fan of personalized books, as they make great keepsakes. But, I have never seen anything like the storybooks that Trueberry Books offers. What sets these books apart from others that offer personalized children's books is just how personal they get. Besides just adding a child's name to the story, Trueberry Books asks you questions to make the story more personal. And, in addition to telling a story and including your family's personal story and information, you also get to include photos on each page of the story. This is the best part of the book, as it gives the personalized story a scrapbook like feel.
Trueberry Books offers three standard stories to choose from.
Once you decide on the story, the fun part begins. You provide the name of the person who the story is about, your name as the author, and then answer a few fun questions like where you and your spouse met, when you got married, when your child was born, their favorite foods and toys, etc. If you don't have all the photos you want to include in the story you choose, I would suggest you create an account at Trueberry Books and save your project. Then, go back in and add the photos when you have them all in order. Out of the whole ordering process, deciding on which photos to use and adding them (if you don't have them in a handy location on your computer) to the books takes the longest amount of time. For me, it took about 25 minutes, as I had to find all the photos, which were in different folders on my computer. Even though it took awhile to prepare the book the way I wanted it, I have to say that it was well worth it once I received the final product in the mail a short time later.
I surprised my daughters with the book at bedtime and their eyes lit up when they saw their photos in the book. Savannah had to do a double take at first, as she wasn't used to seeing herself in a storybook I read to them. Usually story time consists of 2-3 books and lasts about a half hour, on this night, we kept reading this book over and over again, while Savannah would point out the pictures and tell us who was in them. She loved this, as did Arabella, who was the focal point of the book. I included a photo of Arabella eating a cupcake for her 1st birthday near the end of the book, and this photo when the girls saw the photo for the first time, they both got a good giggle out of it. We had such a blast reading this fairy tale story about how my husband and I met and got married, had Arabella and welcomed her home where her older sister Savannah was waiting for her. The standard story, which features Twinkleberry and your child is cute and easy to read and understand. But, with the added personal touches of your family's information and photos really makes this a special and unique gift that will definitely be treasured for years to come.
We have only had this book for a few weeks now, but I can't tell you how many times the girls have requested that I read it to them. And, when I am not reading it to them, I find them sitting together on the couch flipping through the pages and looking at the photos of themselves, as they smile and giggle. I can't wait to create another book for Savannah, and surprise her with it for her 3rd birthday in July. And, when friends ask me about the perfect gift to give a new mom or child, without hesitation I always suggest a personalized book from Trueberry Books. Once you see these books up close, you will see why our family, and so many other satisfied customers love them so much. :-)
So, if you are looking for a fun gift to share with your child this Valentine's Day -- or for their birthday this year, why not consider creating a personalized book from Trueberry Books for them? You will both love snuggling up together on the couch or in bed, as you read this story about them, and admire the personal photos throughout the book. It will be a book that will be read over and over again, and cherished for years to come. :-)
To browse the selection of personalized children's books available from Trueberry Books and begin the easy ordering process, click here now -- http://www.trueberrybooks.com. Each personalized book is only $34.95, plus shipping.
Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
the fairy is so cute!