
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Teething Relief with Squirmy the Twiddle Worm from Nuby (Review)

For the longest time we thought Arabella would only have her two bottom teeth, which came in around 9 months old.  She was our little pumpkin and would make you melt, each time she batted her long eye lashes at you, and gave a big smile, showing her two little bottom teeth.  But, we knew eventually her remaining teeth would start coming in. And, that they did -- with a vengeance.  Over the past couple of weeks she has been breaking in the top four teeth all at once -- ouch.  When we are not tending to her diaper rashes (which both my girls get when teething), I am trying to find teething toys that actually work and bring some relief to her teething pain.  

Thankful, Nuby came to rescue, when they sent their Squirmy the Twiddle Worm for me to review.  It couldn't have come at a better time, as all the other teething toys that we had used with Savannah didn't seem to work with her. Upon looking at the Twiddle Worm in its packaging, I wondered how well it would work, as it looked more like a play toy than a teething toy.  But, as soon as I took it out of its packaged, washed it down and handed it to Arabella, she was in teething relief heaven.  She spent a half hour trying out the multiple teething surfaces, as well as twisting and turning the body segments, as she chewed away.  It was great to see my fussy, teething 15 month old finally finding some relief, in this easy to hold teething toy from Nuby.  I only wished I had seen this product sooner, as I would have gotten it for her when she first started teething at 9 months, as the Squirmy the Twiddle Worm not only helps with teething, but also "encourages the development of your baby's hand and eye coordination."  What mom doesn't like these 2-in-one toys?  I sure do! :-)

Even though my daughter is no longer a pumpkin with her bottom two teeth, she is growing up fast and breaking more and more teeth each week.  And, when she gets cranky and is looking for teething relief, she grabs for her Squirmy the Twiddle Worm to soothe and comfort her. :-)  So, if you have a teething baby, or are looking for a unique and fun gift to give as part of a baby shower gift, why not pick up the Squirmy the Twiddle Worm from Nuby today?  With its multiple teething surfaces, it will bring teething relief to any teething baby or toddler. 


The Squirmy the Twiddle Worm can be found at the following online retailers:

Disclosure: I was sent a sample from Nuby in order to write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.


  1. This is cool! Looks like your daughter loves it too!

  2. What an adorable teether! I wish my kiddos had this when they were teething:)
