![A Late Quartet [Blu-ray]](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51QLHW-ct8L._SL500_AA300_.jpg)
Award® Winners Christopher Walken and Philip Seymour Hoffman strike all the
right chords with Academy Award® Nominee Catherine Keener and Mark Ivanir in
this powerful story that blends raw emotion with fiery passion to form an
unforgettable cinematic masterpiece. After 25 years together, the members of a
world-renowned string quartet learn that their beloved cellist (Walken) may
soon be forced to retire. But the news stirs up equally painful challenges when
competing egos, harbored resentment, and irrepressible lust threaten to derail
the group as they struggle to maintain harmony in their music — and their lives."

The above infographic highlights the themes and emotional aspects of this release! It's an
interactive piece of sheet music from Beethoven's Opus 131, the piece
featured in the film. Each of the seven movements are represented by
music and a clip that relates from the film as the music piece reflects
what's happening in the characters' lives!
In addition to the above infographic, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment has also partnered with
RDIO to create an official A Late Quartet page complete with playlists
from writer/director Yaron Zilberman and co-star/acclaimed musician Nina
Lee. You can view and listen here --> http://www.rdio.com/people/ ALateQuartetBlu-ray/.
My Thoughts:
I have been hearing so many wonderful things about this movie, that I couldn't wait for it to come to Blu-ray and DVD, so that I could finally watch it and see what all the buzz was about. And, what a great movie it is, and one worth watching. Last night, as the snow fell outside, my husband and I hoped that the power would stay on just long enough for us to watch this movie -- and, thankfully it did -- as, I would have been upset if I had to wait until today, or when the power came back on, to see how this movie ended. Don't worry, I am not going to spoil it and tell you what happens in the end -- you will just have to watch "A Late Quartet" for yourself to find out.
This film is filled with a star studded cast, consisting of Christopher Walken, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Catherine Keener and Mark Ivanir. With a cast like this, you can't expect anything else than a stellar performance by each -- and that they deliver! :-) What I loved most about this film is how is meshing the story about the four musicians and their 25-year relationship performing together with wonderful classical music. Even if you are not a fan of classical music, you will be moved by this movie. The music, though not expected to be the focal point of the film, really brings more emotion to various scenes and makes you feel for the group, as they deal with the news of maybe losing one of their fellow members.
This movie moved along great, and didn't leave you bored at all. Now, I can see why so many people have and will be raving about this film, once they see it (time and again). So, if you are looking for a great movie to watch, which has a slew of award-winning and nominated actors/actresses in it, then "A Late Quartet" will fit the bill. :-)
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this film from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
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