"On Feb. 18th, PBS KIDS and everyone’s favorite Pteranodon family are taking kids and parents on an excursion in
“Submarine Adventure” – an all new one-hour special
featuring four new stories about sea creatures that lived during the
“Age of Dinosaurs.” Kids will learn about natural science, natural
history and paleontology along the way during the on-air special, which
will also feature new content online and via mobile.
Additionally, the new episodes will be available for DVD on Feb. 19th.
KIDS strives to use media to light a spark – a thirst for learning that
will empower kids to actively pursue their interests long after the
screen is turned off,” said Lesli Rotenberg, General Manager, Children’s
Programming, PBS. “DINOSAUR TRAIN leads kids on this path of
exploration with content that is fun and educational, like the
‘Submarine Adventure’ special, which will engage kids in learning
natural science and paleontology concepts, while also inspiring them
to embark on their own learning adventures in the world around them.”
On-air Special Program Descriptions:
“Otto Ophthalmosaurus”
the Pteranodon family takes the Dinosaur Train under the sea to visit
their friend Elmer Elasmosaurus, they learn that the Elasmosaurus family
is leaving the station to follow their food – the fish. Buddy
wants to follow, but the train tunnel doesn't go that way – so Mr.
Conductor decides to take the family in a brand-new invention, the
Dinosaur Train Submarine! On their journey, they meet a marine reptile
called Otto Ophthalmosaurus, who guides the submarine
deeper than it’s ever been, and even helps them find their way out of a
sea cave.
“Shoshana Shonisaurus”
Pteranodon family goes under the sea again to ride the Dinosaur Train
Submarine – this time they go to meet Shoshana Shonisaurus, an enormous
marine reptile that’s something between a dolphin and a whale. Since
Shoshana loves to dive very deep, Shiny has a problem with following
her to the bottom of the sea. Shoshana kindly helps Shiny get over her
fear of diving deep.
“Maisie Mosasaurus”
Pteranodon family goes back underwater in the Dinosaur Train Submarine
and meets Maisie and Marvin Mosasaurus, a daughter and father who are
huge, fast-swimming lizards with flippers. Maisie and Shiny bond
when they discover neither likes to go deep in the water. The
Pteranodons and Mosasaurus have a great time near the ocean’s surface,
each family showing the other how they hunt and catch fish to eat.
“A Sea Turtle Tale”
Pteranodon family is on the beach watching small eggs hatch and baby
Archelon turtles emerge and start to swim away. The family and Mr.
Conductor get into the Dinosaur Train Submarine and follow the baby
who discover their own facts of nature – that their mother doesn’t stay
with them after they’re born and that they will grow up to be
giant-sized sea turtles.
Online and Mobile Content:
Both full episodes and clips from “Submarine Adventure” will be available on the PBS KIDS Video Player at
PBSKIDS.org/video and on the
PBS KIDS Video App beginning February 19.
Distribution will release DINOSAUR TRAIN “Submarine Adventure” on
February 19, 2013. The DVD is available for pre-order now on
Details for the DVD follow:
Street Date: February 19, 2013
Genre: Kids
Run Time: Approximately 50 Minutes
SRP: $9.99
Format: DVD
My Thoughts:
If you follow my blog then you know that my daughters love Dinosaur Train, especially Tiny and Don. Savannah even has a Dinosaur Train wall mural in her room, that she picked one when we put together her "big-girl" room last year for her. And, when we are not tuning into PBS Kids to watch the daily episodes of this hit animated series, we are watching our growing collection of Dinosaur Train DVDs, or even reading our Dinosaur Train books. So, when I heard about the upcoming Dinosaur Train: Submarine Adventure special that will air on PBS Kids next week, on February 18th, and then become available to own on DVD the next day, I knew two fans who would go crazy with excitement -- and, that they did! When I received the screener copy to watch, it was like I had two little angels, as they really wanted to see this special. :-) I told them they had to pick up the mess they had made in their rooms and the playroom, and within minutes they were both putting away their toys. usually I have to fight tooth and nail with them to do, but with this new Dinosaur Train special as a reward, they couldn't move fast enough to put everything away. And, once they were done, they both sat on the couch with their blankets, ready for the show to begin. :-)
So, while the snow fell last Friday, we stayed warm indoors, while watching all four episodes that make up this special -- Shoshana Shonosaurus; Maisie Mosasaurus and A Sea Turtle Tale. The girls loved this special and how their favorite dinosaur friends were able to go underwater to meet sea creatures that were around during the age of dinosaurs, as they travelled in the Dinosaur Train Submarine. From the moment the DVD started, to the rolling credits of the last episode, my daughters were engaged and glued to the television. Savannah kept asking me, "what's that?" when a new sea creature was introduced. Everything was so fascinating to her, and she loved learning about other animals/creatures that lived during the dinosaur period.
Do your children love Dinosaur Train just as much as my girls do? Then, they will not want to miss this special airing next week (Feb. 18th) on PBS Kids. Tune in with your children for a great underwater adventure, that will surely be having them ask, "What's that?" :-)
To add to the fun and excitement of this upcoming special, make sure you take the fun Dinosaur Train Facebook Quiz and access special GetGlue Stickers:
- Take a fun DINOSAUR TRAIN Facebook quiz and test your dino knowledge: to.pbs.org/DinoTrainSub
- Access special
GetGlue Stickers: http://getglue.com/stickers/
pbs_kids/dinosaur_train_ submarine_adventure_coming_ soon
Disclosure: I was sent a screener copy of this upcoming special from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
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