"With signs pointing to stubble as the culprit in the decline of kissing, Gillette® [NYSE: PG] recently asked America to weigh in by launching a nationwide Kiss & Tell live experiment. The Kiss & Tell live experiment traveled to 15 U.S. cities to find out if women prefer to kiss stubble or smooth shaven skin."
Did you have a chance to attend one of the Kiss and Tell stops? What are your thoughts on kissing a man with stubble? Do you find yourself waking up the next morning with irritated skin after a night of kissing? With Valentine's Day right around the corner, why not surprise your sweetie now with a new razor and shaving cream from Gillette, so that come Valentine's Day, he will have a soft, smooth face, that you will want to kiss and rub -- without worry about facial scraping or irritation?
"A recent survey* revealed that nearly one out of three women have avoided kissing a guy because he had facial hair and that more than half of women have experienced facial scraping or irritation after kissing a guy with facial hair. More than half of those women surveyed said they have gone so far as to either avoid getting intimate or breaking up with him as a result. In addition, the survey showed that 41% of women are more likely to kiss a guy more often and more intensely if he is smooth shaven.
“Kissing is a crucial part of relationships. It signifies intimacy between two people and is the starting point to building a meaningful connection and a longer-lasting intimacy,” said Gillette spokesperson, Marni Kinrys, dating expert and the founder of The Wing Girl Method. “While stubble can be a good look on some men, waking up with facial skin discomfort or even a slight stubble burn is a less desirable side-effect for their partner.”
“Men would agree that the best kind of chemistry sparks from a kiss,” said Elliott Wilke, Brand Manager for Gillette. “With many men shaving less-frequently due to sensitive skin discomfort, we want to give women a chance to speak up about how this rise in stubble might be impacting the kiss.”**
The Kiss & Tell live experiment aimed to illustrate the importance of kissing and determine if stubble really is killing the kiss. To put recent research to the test, Gillette interviewed kissing experts and doctors, conducted biometric research on real couples kissing and spoke to everyday women – and men – about their thoughts on the theory. Their insights are featured in a new, lip-quivering documentary “Are We Killing The Kiss?,” which ponders the current state of the kiss in America, the significance of the kiss, and why it’s so important that couples get it right.
Gillette will be announcing the results of the national Kiss & Tell experiment on the most romantic day of the year – Valentine’s Day (February 14, 2013) – with the world’s largest shave and kiss event hosted by a surprise celebrity couple. Hundreds of men and women will attempt to break two Guinness Book of World Records, the largest shave lesson and the most kisses in a minute by a pair."
Don't be one of the many women who wake up the day after Valentine's Day with facial scraping or skin irritation due to your sweetie's stubble. And, don't have his stubble kill the mood when you both lean in after a romantic dinner, walk, etc. on one of the most romantic nights of the year. My husband will be covered, as I was recently sent samples of Gillette's new razors and shave gel, that will have his face feeling and looking baby smooth.

So, if your man has sensitive skin and shave less often because of this, why not surprise him with either the Gillette Fusion ProGlide SilverTouch or Gillette Mach3 Sensitive, along with the new Gillette Fusion ProGlide Sensitive Shave Gel? Once he tries these new razors and gels, he will not go back to his old shave routine, and will want to shave more often, so that your cuddle time will be more enjoyable for the both of you -- say goodbye to facial scraping and irritation, and hello to soft, smooth skin, when you leave in for a kiss. :-) What more could you ask for? :-)
For more information about men’s razors , shaving products, skin care,
and men’s style visit the official Gillette website at Gillette.com.
* This telephone survey of 1080 women was fielded by Braun Research Incorporated from November 27 – December 4, 2012 and has a margin of error of +/- 3% (at a 95% confidence level.)
** This online survey of 3,326 respondents in eleven countries was fielded by Research Now from October 23 – October 26, 2012 and has a margin of error for each country of +/-5.7% and the total sample is +-1.7%.
Disclosure: I was sent samples from Gillette in order to facilitate an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
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