
Friday, February 15, 2013

Book Blog Tour-- Why Qualified People Don't Get Hired or Stay with a Company by Molita Powell (Book Spotlight)



This is the first book for Molita Powell. Her career has taken her from San Diego, California to Dallas, Texas. She has worked in small, medium and large companies across several industries and witnessed the growth, re-organization and demise of some of those companies. Others are struggling to keep up with competition and with the changing tides of the economy.

Why Qualified People 


Why do you think the younger folks get hired over someone with experience? They are more eager to learn and adapt to a career change, and come cheaper. It’s good to have transferrable skills, but do not put yourself in a financial bind where you regress in your career. Too often we see career-focused, qualified individuals in new careers and work in jobs that are out of character for them. These are the same ones who were always sharply dressed in the latest trends, and the proud owners of the newest electronic toys. The problem is, while they were busy working, they were not managing their own finances. When the regular paychecks stopped, they found themselves scrambling to pay for even their basic expenses. In order to not lose the things they’ve accumulated, they were forced to accept the first job they were offered. This is a job and pay they would not have otherwise taken. This is yet another reason why we see companies not hiring qualified individuals who carry a large amount of debt. They may also not hire young people for high salary positions. Companies are looking for qualified and financially responsible workers who they can trust, train and promote to leadership positions to make financial decisions on their behalf. Financial responsibility is an actual requirement for church members wanting to become Deacons. Financial institutions use this to fill positions that involve the handling of money. If individuals are not able to manage their own personal finances, would you want them to handle yours? Glenn Shepard said it best, ‘Don’t take financial advice from people who are broke.’


Why Qualified People Don't Get Hired or Stay With the Company Virtual Book Publicity Tour Schedule

Thursday, February 7
Book spotlight at Jody's Book Reviews
Monday, February 11
Interviewed at Review From Here
Thursday, February 14
Friday, February 15
Book spotlight at Inspired by Savannah
Tuesday, February 19
Interviewed at Digital Journal
Wednesday, February 20
Book reviewed at Review From Here
Thursday, February 21
Guest blogging at The Paperback Pursuer
Friday, February 22
Book spotlight at My Devotional Thoughts
Monday, February 25
Book review and first chapter reveal at My Book Addiction and More
Tuesday, February 26
Book reviewed at Tiffany Talks Books
Wednesday, February 27
Interviewed at Examiner
Thursday, February 28
Book reviewed and guest blogging at Jersey Girl Book Reviews
Molita Powell's WHY QUALIFIED PEOPLE DON'T GET HIRED OR STAY WITH THE COMPANY VIRTUAL BOOK PUBLICITY TOUR will officially begin on February 4 and end on February 28, 2013. Please contact Tracee Gleichner at tgleichner(at) if you are interested in hosting and/or reviewing her book. Thank you!
Pump Up Your Book

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