I have finally jumped on the bandwagon and purchased a Blu-ray player. I know, I know, they have been out for a while. But, those close to me know I don't like change, including updating electronics. It took me awhile to switch to the DVD player -- and, I have to admit, I still love using the VHS player to let the girls watch some of my old children's movies I collected and watched over the years. But, with the purchase of a Blu-ray player comes deciding which new movies to buy, and which of my all-time favorite movies to update and buy on Blu-ray player. With that being said, I was excited to hear that Echo Bridge Entertainment was releasing a few of my favorite titles on Blu-ray for the first time .
This March, fans of the following three movies can finally purchase and enjoy them when they become available on Blu-ray:

One of the reasons I love these movies so much is that I saw them with my now-husband as date night flicks when we were dating, and also enjoyed them with girlfriends when we had girls-night in pampering parties. Who doesn't like to watch a romantic comedy or inspirational movie every once in a while. And, with these titles you will surely be entertained and walk away with a good feeling. I can't tell you how many movies I have seen recently and felt like I wasted my money and time on. The plot was nothing to write home about, and the actors really didn't move me or make me feel like they were excited about the role they were playing. But, with these three upcoming Blu-ray releases from Echo Bridge Entertainment, you will find yourself wanting to watch these movies over and over again. Don't worry, I am not going to bore you with a review of each, as they have out for years and there have been countless written and video reviews done on them. I just wanted to make you aware of these upcoming Blu-ray movies, so that you can mark your calendars and pick up when they become available in March -- or, better yet, pre-order them now and sit back and wait for them to arrive).
Disclosure: I was sent copies of these titles from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
i dont yet have a blu-ray. i, like you, dont like change anad am happy with my VHS/DVD player for movies, old and new. but i have to say that the movies you mention above do sound good. i think i will look for them on netflix. thanks for the info!
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