
Monday, January 28, 2013

Add More Fiber to Your Diet with LUNA Fiber Bars (Review)

"LUNA Fiber is a delicious, nutritious and convenient high fiber snack that tastes great and curbs hunger between meals. It is currently available in Chocolate Raspberry, Peanut Butter Strawberry and Vanilla Blueberry. The SRP is $1.39 per bar. You can learn more by visiting our website:"

I don't know about you, but as I have gotten older, I have found myself looking for ways to keep my body in working order - and, thanks means making sure that I have enough fiber in my diet.  So, when I told about LUNA Fiber from Clif Bar and Company, which offers 7 grams of fiber per 1.41 oz bar, I had to try them out.  Having worked with the kind folks at Clif Bar before and shared reviews on their nutritious bars for kids and adults, I was excited when I reached out to inquire about these new high fiber bars to review, and hear back from them promptly.  Within a few days, I had an assortment of their new LUNA Fiber bars delivered to my door to try.  Included in this sampler box were the following flavors:

Chocolate Raspberry 

"Raspberries wrapped in a soft baked chocolate crumble, strewn with decadent chocolate chips

Fiber just got a serious taste-lift in the form of LUNA Fiber; the fiber bar you’ll actually crave. 70% organic and available in three fruit-filled shades of delicious, LUNA Fiber is the tasty, wholesome and convenient way to curb hunger, fast."
  • 7 grams of hunger-curbing fiber
  • Contains the ‘Core 4’ combo of calcium, iron, folic acid, and vitamin D
  • Only 110 calories
Peanut Butter Strawberry

"Peanut Butter smoothes the way for Strawberry in this delicious ode to a classic.

Fiber just got a serious taste-lift in the form of LUNA Fiber; the fiber bar you’ll actually crave. 70% organic and available in three fruit-filled shades of delicious, LUNA Fiber is the tasty, wholesome and convenient way to curb hunger, fast."
  • 7 grams of hunger-curbing fiber
  • Contains the ‘Core 4’ combo of calcium, iron, folic acid, and vitamin D
  • Only 120 calories
Vanilla Blueberry

"Soft baked vanilla goodness filled with bountiful blueberries, topped with a sweet sprinkle.

Fiber just got a serious taste-lift in the form of LUNA Fiber; the fiber bar you’ll actually crave. 70% organic and available in three fruit-filled shades of delicious, LUNA Fiber is the tasty, wholesome and convenient way to curb hunger, fast."
  • 7 grams of hunger-curbing fiber
  • Contains the ‘Core 4’ combo of calcium, iron, folic acid, and vitamin D
  • Only 110 calories

Even though I liked each of the above flavors, I did find myself reaching for the Peanut Butter Strawberry bars when stocking back up the other day at the market.  Who would have thought that peanut butter and strawberries would taste so good together? :-)  Not only could you taste the rich, creamy flavor of peanut butter with each bite, but the strawberries added a sweet treat to this high in fiber nutritional bar.  

I have struggled over the years to get enough fiber in my diet, especially when I underwent cancer treatment, and again when I was pregnant with my daughters.  If only these tasty, soft-baked fiber bars were around then -- it would have saved me a lot of tummy trouble issues. :-)  But, now, I make sure to have a handful on hand in the house, in the car and in my diaper bag, so that I can enjoy when I want a healthy snack, high in fiber on the go.  And, with flavors likes the ones I described above, how could you not want to try out these fruit-filled bars, which contain 7% grams of fiber, is 70% organic and contains the Core 4 combo: calcium, iron, folic acid and Vitamin D, made especially for women. :-)

Don't take my word on just how good these high fiber bars from Clif Bar are?  Next time you head to the market, why not pick up a few to try?  You too, will fall in love with these delicious soft-baked, fruit-filled bars.  And, if you are a busy mom on the go, these bars and others from the LUNA family will come in handy when you need a quick snack or energy booster.  Isn't is great when you stumble upon a product that not only tastes good, but is good for you?  Well, that is the case with these new LUNA Fiber bars.   

---BUY NOW---

You can order LUNA fiber and other Clif Bar products directly from the Clif Bar and Company website, as well as find them at your favorite local grocery store, in addition to online retailers like 

Or, use their online store locator to find a retailer near you who carries these products --


Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in order to write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.

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