64 pages, Trade paperback
200+ drawings, full-color throughout
For ages 6 & older
11.25 x 8.75
ISBN: 978-0-939217-91-5 $8.99
Pub Date: July 1st, 2012
Published by: Peel Productions, Inc.
Available at bookstores, libraries, online including at http://drawbooks.com/peelbooks.com/index.html.
ISBN: 978-0-939217-91-5 $8.99
Pub Date: July 1st, 2012
Published by: Peel Productions, Inc.
Available at bookstores, libraries, online including at http://drawbooks.com/peelbooks.com/index.html.
"Children learn with all their senses. This book is designed to help your
child or student enhance science learning and literacy and discover the
world around them through art activities in a fun way.
With an emphasis on observation and information, these drawing lessons are based on concepts which include Classification, Measuring and Recording, Life Cycles, Seasons, Variety in Nature, Climate, Adaptations, Inherited Traits, and Characteristics of Organisms."
With an emphasis on observation and information, these drawing lessons are based on concepts which include Classification, Measuring and Recording, Life Cycles, Seasons, Variety in Nature, Climate, Adaptations, Inherited Traits, and Characteristics of Organisms."
My Thoughts:
I shared this book with my girlfriend's 13 yr. old son, as he loves to draw and was learning about the life cycles of organisms in school. When he saw the book at first, he thought, "Ah, not another textbook to read." But, when he saw that it was a fun step-by-step drawing book, he thought it was cool. Having never seen books like this from Freddie Levin, he was excited to try it out. I, however, have reviewed a handful of Freddie's drawing books about all sorts of topics and loved them. You don't have to be an expert drawer to enjoy his easy to follow art exercises.
After about a week of drawing things like leaves, dinosaurs, still art fruit bowls, etc., I asked my friend's son what he thought of the book. He couldn't stop raving about it. One of his favorite things besides the ability to draw some cool stuff, was that he learned about climate change, Mendel and an assortment of living organisms at the start of each art exercise. Each blurb was about a few sentences in length, which made reading and understanding easier, than having to read chapter after chapter like he did in school. But, the best thing was being able to draw these things, and showing off his new drawing skills to family and friends.
So, if you are looking for a last minute gift idea for your child, why not surprise them with this book or other drawing books by Freddie Levin? Not only will they have fun learning how to draw things, but they will learn along the way. :-)
About the Author:
Freddie Levin has been interested in the place where art and science meet since she began studying botanical illustration at the Chicago Botanic Gardens. She can often be found in her sunny studio happily painting the native wildflowers of Illinois.
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book from the publisher in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
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