
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Holiday Gift Ideas -- The Sparkle Box by Jill Hardie (Review and Giveaway)

The Sparkle Box 
  • 10 x 10 picture book
  • 32 pages
  • hardcover with jacket
  • includes fold-out glitter box
  • ages 4 and up
  • 978-0-8249-5647-9

A few weeks ago, I shared a guest post by Jill Hardie, author of The Sparkle Box. If you missed her guest post, click here to read it now --  In addition to having Jill share about her book, she also sent along a copy for me to review.  So, after Thanksgiving dinner, I sat down to read the book, and shared it with my parents who had come for dinner to stay the weekend.  We all loved the concept of the book, which is to remind both children and adults that the holidays are not just about "getting," but that they are for "giving." 

The idea of the Sparkle Box came to Jill, when she saw her family began to get caught up in the commercialism of the holidays.  With all the sales, toy commercials, etc., it is hard not to.  I am guilty of this, too.  So, to get her family to understand what Christmas was all about, she created the Sparkle Box.  Here is a interview that Jill did with Guideposts, in which she shares more about the book:


After reading this book, it really inspired me to get out there and "give" to others this holiday season.  And, after my family "gives" to others, I write down what we did, and put these sheets of paper in a box I had Savannah help me decorate.  This Christmas morning, we will open this box first, and reminisce about the acts of kindness we have done leading up to Christmas.  I am looking forward to carrying on this traditional, and can't wait until my daughters are older and can begin to find ways that they can give and honor others, and help write down these things to put in the box.

The Sparkle Box

So, if you are looking for a great tradition to start with your family for the holidays, why not consider starting a Sparkle Box?  You will feel so good knowing that you are helping others, and honoring Jesus on his birthday with your good deeds.


Click here to purchase a copy of The Sparkle Box to share with your family, or to give as a gift this holiday season  -- The book retails for only $15.99, and will be enjoyed for years to come.


One lucky reader will win a copy of Jill Hardie's book, The Sparkle Box, to share with their family.  To enter, please complete the entries on the Rafflecopter box below.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book by the author in order to write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.


  1. We love building a gingerbread house!


  2. We decorate the tree with special family ornaments.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  3. We love reading the Christmas Story on Christmas Eve
    [email protected]

  4. Making christmas cookies..and alot of them!

  5. When my daughter was younger we always made sugar cookies into santas,angels,snowmen and bells with all the icing and decorations. I always read her T'was the Night Before Christmas & the Story of Baby Jesus.
    Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)
    [email protected]
