I don't know about you, but there is something about a plush bear or doll that reminds of the innocence of childhood. And, now that I have young children of my own, I can't get over how they interact with their toys. Just the other day my youngest, Arabella, who is a year old, was playing with her GUND Girls Sloan doll that I was sent to review.

She was running around the house with her, as she chased our oldest daughter, and she tripped over a toy and both her and her doll went down. Instead of crying and looking for me to help her up. She quickly crawled over to Sloan and swooped her up off the floor and cradled her, while giving her hugs and kisses. I couldn't believe how she was caring for her doll, just like I would have done if she called for me. As I sat there watching her, I couldn't believe how children imitate what they see and how their toys mean the world to them when they are little.
To this day, I still have a few treasured plush toys that I was given over the years, including a musical elephant my father gave me the day I was born, a Coca Cola polar bear when I had hernia surgery at age 8 yrs. old and the and GUND bear my husband gave me when he proposed to me. When I look at these few treasured toys I have held onto, and have a strong connection with, I can see this with my daughters as they begin to build memories with their toys.
Just like Arabella took to her GUND Girls Sloan doll, so did Savannah when I gave her a couple GUNDimals plush toys that I was also sent for review. Out of the two, Savannah is less likely to play with dolls, so I wasn't surprised that she went for the animals plush toys. And, just like Arabella, she, too has formed a bond, and calls her GUNDimals white tiger "Meow, Meow" and her frog, "Froggie."

Whenever we get ready to leave the house, Savannah makes a point to gather up her blankie and "Meow, Meow" and "Froggie" beanbag friends with her. And, at bedtime, she snuggles up close to them, until the morning when she swoops them up and brings them into the living to spend the day with her.
Do your young children have a close connection with their plush toys? Is there one in particular that you see will become their "forever friend" or the one they may decide to hold on through their adult years. If not, and you are looking to share in that special memory they will have when they look at their plush toy, why not surprise them with a GUND toy today? I couldn't believe their product offering when I checked out their website recently. I had always thought they just sold stuffed bears, but was pleasantly surprised to see they offer a line of dolls, animals, GUNDimals like Boo the dog, Monchhichis (remember those?), and so much more.

Here are just a few of the plush toys that caught my eye, when I was browsing their site:

Aren't they cute? And, can you believe that they are all $30 or under? Yes, you read that right, all under $30, making them a great and affordable gift for children (and adults) of all ages. So, while you are wrapping up your holiday shopping, why not add a GUND plush to your last minute items to pick up, and share in that special memory, as your child forms a unique bond with their new GUND toy this holiday season?
Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
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