Check out some of the toys that have made Mattel's Hot Toy List for 2012:
Polly Pocket® Wall Party™ Tree House

"Polly® brings the party to the wall with the new Wall Party™ Tree House Playset. Utilizing Command® Strips from 3M, parents can easily hang the Wall Party™ Tree House without concerns over wall damage. With multiple levels, a trap door, basket lift and speedy slide, girls will have fun uncovering dynamic adventures with Polly® doll. Always taking the ordinary to the extraordinary, the playset also features Stick ’n’ Play toy pieces that allow girls to literally “stick” items into place with suction cups for the ultimate upside-down fun. Since adventurous girl need to take breaks, Polly® doll can take a much-deserved rest on a side platform that features two hanging sleeping bags. With additional playsets – including Pet Park, Café, Camp, Balloon Ride and more – which feature the vibrant colors and playful atmosphere that have become synonymous with Polly Pocket®, girls can continue to build a bigger and exciting Polly® world while also creating colorful room décor. Each playset sold separately. "
ARP: $19.99
Ages: 4+
My Thoughts:
If you follow my blog, then you have seen some of the other Polly pocket playset reviews I have done this year.
Click here to read them now:
We have become instant fans of these playsets, as they offer young children the opportunity to use one playset, or add additional playsets to make a larger Polly World. Currently we have 4 playsets, all with stick 'n' play toy pieces, which have suction cups at the bottom of the pieces to stick to the playsets. Savannah can't stop giggling when she stick the Polly dolls upside down, along with the cats, which come with the Pet Shop. So, when I read recently about Mattel coming out with a new Polly Pocket Playset that stuck to the wall, I had to get my hands on one to try out with Savannah. Mattel kindly sent me a sample and in under 5 minutes I had the Polly Pocket Treehouse Wall Playset put together and on one of the wall's in Savannah's bedroom. Once Savannah saw it, she ran over to it and began playing with it. A few minutes later, she gathered up her other Polly Pocket playsets and brought them over and placed them on the floor near the wall playset. For over an hour, she pretended with her stick 'n' plays dolls and animals that they were in a magical Polly Pocket world. She would make them go down the slide from the wall treehouse, and they would land in the playsets set up on the floor.
I love seeing Savannah being creative and playing like this with her toys. And, these playsets are great to pack up and bring along to Nana and Papa's house, or to store away in the closet, if need be. When asked recently what she wanted for Christmas, Savannah pointed to the Polly Pocket Wall Treehouse and said, "More, please." I guess we will be asking Santa for additional playsets to add on to this new Polly Pocket World she has created. :-)
Fijit Friends® Yippits™ Assortment

"Girls who loved Fijit Friends® will love the innovative nurturing play of Fijit Friends® Yippits™. These dynamic dancing pets perform tricks when you play with them so girls can nurture, teach tricks and discover the spontaneous play that comes with the fun, unpredictability of Yippits™. With an innovative clap sensor, Yippits™ deliver on the responsive play girls love about their Fijit Friends® but with three new modes of play: Dancing, Training and Game Mode. Yippits™ can bark, growl, dance and even learn tricks through a progressive play manner - so the more a girl plays with her Yippits™, the more consistently it performs the trick. Each of the four Yippits™ feature multiple songs, movable feet and come with three games. Fijit Friends® Yippits™ can also unlock secret content pre-programmed in Fijit Friends® utilizing Sonic Chirp technology - special audio coding embedded into Yippits™, that when detected, triggers various programmed reactions. Assortment includes Scooch™ (Blue), Skippa™ (Green), Patter® (Pink), and Plooki™ (Purple)."
ARP: $37.99
Ages: 6+
My Thoughts:
Read my review of the Yippit and Fijit Friend I was sent to review from a recent Mom Central campaign --
Toy Story Color Splash Buddies™
"Now bath time is party time with the Toy Story Color Splash Buddies™ two-packs. Using warm and icy water, kids can transform the colors of their favorite two-inch buddy characters from classic to crazy and back again."
ARP: $8.99
Ages: 3+
My Thoughts:
Fans of Toy Story will love these color changing splash buddies. I surprised Savannah with the other day during bath time and she went crazy with excitement, as she is a huge Toy Story fan. She can't leave the house without her Jessie and Woody dolls, and her bedroom is decked out in Toy Story character decals and bedding. I was sent 4 Toy Story Color Splash Buddies™ two-packs from Mattel to review. As I opened package and handed them one by one to her, she told me what their names were, before dropping them in the tub to change color. I had a cup of ice water on hand to show her how each splash buddy magically changed color. Savannah was amazed and had a blast dropping them into the warm and then icy water to change their colors. And, the fun didn't stop at bath time, as Savannah continues to ask to play with these at the kitchen table when Arabella naps. How can I say, "No."? :-) So, I set her up with two bowls of warm and icy cold water, and she can keep herself entertained with her new Toy Story Color Splash Buddies. I can't wait to collect all the buddies in this series, including slinky dog and Lotso.
Little Mommy™ Doctor Mommy™
"Little Mommy™ introduces the new Little Mommy™ Doctor Mommy™ doll. Featuring light and sensor innovation for unique responsive play, the doll interacts with a girl when she checks on this toddler with the included medical instruments. Baby doll responds, “Ahhhh!” to the tongue depressor and giggles when the reflex hammer makes her knee pop up (it really kicks!). A cute sparkly heart-shaped stethoscope makes a heartbeat sound and lights up, and the doll’ s forehead glows red with a “fever” that the working medicine dropper will “cure.” Girls can store additional play accessories in the doctor’s kit once baby feels better! (Available in Caucasian and African American versions.) "
ARP: $49.99
Ages: 2+
My Thoughts:
I ended up picking up this Little Mommy™ Doctor Mommy™ doll from Mattel for my niece for Christmas, but Savannah saw it before I could wrap and thought it was hers. So, I ended up going to the store and picking her up one for Christmas. If you have young girls, then you probably own or have seen Little Mommy dolls in stores. This was one of the first real looking plastic dolls I had purchased for Savannah and Arabella, as I couldn't get over the overall quality of the product, as well as hearing from friends with little ones and reading online reviews how this doll line from Mattel is amazing.
With this Doctor Mommy doll, little girls will love playing doctor with this interactive doll and all the medical accessories that come with it. Savannah's favorite part of the doll is the heart-shaped stethoscope that makes a heartbeat sound. I demoed this doll at a friends house prior to buying for my niece and daughter, and loved how this doll responds to little things like the reflex hammer making the knee pop up, and making a fever go away with a medicine dropper. I can see this doll not only being fun to play with, but as a great teaching tool with Savannah, who has been scared of doctors since her 2 yr. check up where she received shots. Now, whenever I take her for a sick visit, she clings to me for dare life, and rarely lets the doctor touch her. I am hoping that by showing her how this Little Mommy™ Doctor Mommy™ doll has a checkup and feels better with medicine, etc., that her next doctor's visit will be more calming -- I hope! :-)
Holiday Princess® Cinderella Doll
ARP: $34.99
Ages: 3+
My Thoughts:
This is one hot toy from Mattel's 2012 list that can be enjoyed by young and old Barbie fans. I was just talking with a friend of mine the other day about how Disney toys always pop up year after year, even if there are no new films to classics like Cinderella, Beauty and the Best, Lion King, etc? She agreed, and then showed me a collection of Barbie dolls she has collected over the years, which showcase some of the popular Disney princesses. Like a child, she was beaming ear to ear with a big grin, as she proudly showed of her collection, still in their boxes. She told me she had asked her husband for the new Holiday Princess® Cinderella Doll from Mattel, after seeing it in a toy circular, as well as online. What attracted her to this and other princess dolls she collects is the detail to the doll's clothing, right down to the accessories are included with them.
So, when I received the new Holiday Princess® Cinderella Doll from Mattel, my first instinct was to open the box and give it to the girls to play with (minus the small accessories). This would be their first welcome into the world of Barbie dolls, and oh what a glorious one with this beautifully detailed holiday Barbie. But, then I thought it would be best to either display on the shelve in my daughters' room, or pack it away. I opted to display it, as it really is a sight to see, and captures the spirit of the holidays just right. I guess after my conversation with my girlfriend that I have turned into a Barbie collector. I can't wait to add more dolls to the collection, and then pass down to the girls once they get older and can appreciate them more. :-)
Brave Merida Doll

"Merida, the new heroine from Disney•Pixar’s upcoming feature film,
Brave, is a courageous young woman with fiery red hair and the spirit to
match. The Merida doll brings this relatable character to life in a
beautiful, sparkling fashion inspired by the film - perfect for girls to
re-create their favorite movie moments. Doll cannot stand alone."
ARP: $14.99
Ages: 3+
My Thoughts:
This was one doll I ended up sharing with Savannah, as she loves Merida from Brave. I can't get over the fiery red hair this doll has, and how it looks so much like the character in the movie. Whenever I put Brave on for Savannah and I to (as it has become another of her Disney Pixar favorites next to Toy Story), she runs and grabs her Matilda doll to hold. Throughout different scenes in the movie, Savannah will hop off the couch and try and re-create these moments with her Mattel doll. It is so cute to watch her pretending like this. And, when Merida is not re-creating scenes, Savannah has her sitting against the pillow on her bed, or holding her and brushing her long, gorgeous hair. Even for a doll, it makes you envious of this bold, fiery red hair. :-)
Of the Mattel toys I was sent to review, as well as the ones I have personally purchased, I can see why the above toys made the hot toy list for 2012. Children would love waking up on Christmas Day and finding one or more of these toys under the tree from Santa. So, when you head out to do last minute shopping, or are helping your little ones with their wish list letters to Santa, why not include a few Mattel toys? All the toys I shared above can be purchased through the Mattel website, as well as found at major retailers like Toys R Us, Target, etc., in addition to online retailers like Amazon.
Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
If I was little I would have picked the Little Mommy Doctor Mommy myself.. I think your niece is going to love it too.