For this year’s event, Club Penguin will host the biggest virtual bake sale ever, with players baking millions of in-game cookies and then buying cookies using their virtual coins to determine where Club Penguin will contribute its annual $1M USD donation.

"Penguins can participate in the virtual bake sale by visiting the all new bakery and cooking up three different kinds of cookies to benefit Coins for Change. At the end of the event, players’ virtual donations from the bake sale will serve as votes to determine how Club Penguin will divide its $1M USD contribution among the pre-selected charitable projects. The votes determine the percentage of donations made in three areas: providing medical help, building safe places and protecting the earth.
To reward players for participating in Coins for Change, when they virtually buy the special bake sale cookies, they will be transformed into new holiday characters for a short period of time. All players can transform into toy cars, while members are rewarded by transforming into reindeer puffles and ‘frost bites,’ which allow them to temporarily freeze in-world items.
“Over the past six years, Coins for Change has inspired our players to take action and make a difference in the lives of millions of kids and families all over the world,” said Chris Heatherly, head of Club Penguin. “We hope this year’s Coins for Change virtual bake sale empowers our players to start similar programs and make a positive difference in their local communities.”

As a result of these generous in-world contributions kids have made to Coins for Change, Club Penguin has already helped an excess of one million people in more than 42 countries by funding projects such as:
- 20 schools built for over 20,000 children
- 25 school libraries built for over 50,000 children
- 27 playgrounds for over 85,000 children
- 33 clean water projects for over 50,000 children & families
- Youth engagement & education programs around the world for over 1,000,000 children & families
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