My husband has been watching The Simpsons since it first aired. And, when he can't catch an episode on a Sunday night, he is recording to watch the next day. He loves the show so much, he even watches the repeats on television, as well as collects all the season sets when they release to DVD. So, you can only imagine how excited he was when I showed him the new Season 15 box set that releases this Tuesday. Like a child, he asked if he could watch them now, or if he had to wait for Christmas. :-) I told him I needed him to share this thoughts on this, and before I could hand him the box set, he was already telling me about some of the episodes in Season 15 which were his favorite. This blew my mind as he is the type of guy who forgets a person's name, phone numbers and birthdays. But, ask him about a particular season of The Simpsons, and he is like a walking encyclopedia. :-)
I used to watch The Simpsons when it first began airing in the early 90's on television, but lost interest a few seasons in. So, when my husband was talking about the show, I found myself losing interest, as it all seemed liked things I had seen before. What I did get out of his synopsis of this season is that his favorite was the Halloween special, as well as when episodes included guest stars like the Olsen Twins, Tom Clancy, and even Simpsons creator, Matt Groening.
I wondered why he would want to watch the episodes again, all 22 of them. But, he was more interested in the bonus feature. He said that with each of these season DVD sets, they include stellar bonus features. And, this new release didn't disappoint. It included audio commentaries on EVERY episode, an introduction to the season from creator Matt Groening, deleted scenes, animation showcases, sketch galleries, commercials and even featurettes of The Unusual Ones and Living in the Moment. My husband spent the better part of the weekend enjoying these bonus features, and thanked me again this AM when I got up for getting him an advanced copy of The Simpsons: Season 15.
FYI: Here are the episodes included as part of this box set:
1 – Treehouse of Horror XIV
2 – My Mother the Carjacker
3 – The President Wore Pearls
4 – The Regina Monologues
5 – The Fat and the Furriest
6 – Today I Am a Clown7 – ‘Tis the Fifteenth Season
8 – Marge Versus Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples, and Teens and Gays
9 – I, (Annoyed) Grunt-Bot
10 – Diatribe of a Mad Housewife
11 – Margical History Tour
12 – Milhouse Doesn’t Live Here Anymore
13 – Smart & Smarter
14 – The Ziff Who Came to Dinner
15 – Co-Dependents’ Day
16 – The Wandering Juvie
17 – My Big Fat Geek Wedding
18 – Catch ‘Em If You Can
19 – Simple Simpson
20 – The Way We Weren’t
21 – Bart-Mangled Banner
22 – Fraudcast News
So, if you know of any Simpsons fans in your house, why not surprise them with this upcoming DVD box set when it arrives in stores on Dec. 4th? It would make for a great stocking stuffer. :-)
Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
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