Hats off to my Spotlight Mom this week, as she has created products for both mom and baby, to help with the discomforts of pregnancy and difficulties with breastfeeding. Here is more about Anita Jamshidi of Utterly Yours, Utterly Yours Breast Pillow and Utterly Yours Pregnancy Pillow, which can be bought through her website - http://www.utterlyyours.com/.
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The Utterly Yours™ Breast Pillow
provides the most optimal and comfortable breast support for nursing.
It resolves the tiresome - and painful to the wrist - act of having to
physically support your breast throughout each feeding to make sure
baby stays latched on.![]() Benefits • Lifts and Supports • Holds breast in position for hands-free nursing • Easy to care for and easy to use • Comfortable against the skin • Incredibly compact - small enough to take with you • Cover is machine washable ![]() |
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The Utterly Yours™ Pregnancy Pillow
alleviates two major issues pregnant women face - severe lower back
pain and lack of sleep. The pillow delivers optimal prenatal sleep
positioning by simultaneously supporting the lower back and pregnant
abdomen.![]() Benefits • Proven to reduce back pain • Keeps you securely on your side - the optimal prenatal sleep position suggested by doctors • Incredibly compact - small enough for travel • Chic & stylish with beautiful, easy to care for fabric options • Comfort, compact & ease of use in one revolutionary design ![]() |
So, if you are pregnant or having difficulties breastfeeding, why not check out Anita Jamshidi's products made especially for a mom in mind. I love finding mom-invented products that help make mom's (especially new mom's lives easier), and Anita has done just this.
Please enjoy my Spotlight on Mom interview with Anita Jamshidi, creator of the Utterly Yours Pregnancy Pillow and Utterly Yours Breast Pillow.
Name: Anita Jamshidi
Company Name/Product/Service:
- Utterly Yours
- Utterly Yours Pregnancy Pillow and Utterly Yours Breast Pillow
Company Website: www.utterlyyours.com
Facebook URL: www.facebook.com/utterlyyours
Twitter Handle: N/A
Age of Company: 8
Favorite Inspirational Quotes: I have many, but one that speaks volumes is:
“And still, after all this time, the Sun has never said to the Earth,
"You owe me."
Look what happens with love like that.
It lights up the sky.”
― Rumi
Favorite Book: A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

Tell us a little bit about yourself. How many children do you have? What are their ages? Your hobbies? Etc.
I am the mother of four children ranging in age from 6 to 14. My life centers on their growth and fast-paced life. Even with a passion for reading, art and my company, I find that most of my hours are ruled by the children's schedules.
Briefly explain your business. How did it come about?

The Utterly Yours Pregnancy Pillow was also an idea that came from my personal experience. Having been instructed by my OB/GYN to spend my third trimester lying on my left side as much as possible to increase blood flow to the baby, I found myself not only uncomfortable, but also "unsupported" (literally) by any of the pillows I found on the market. None of the pillows kept me on my side unfortunately, so I strained my body constantly to make sure I didn’t end up on my back. So again, I found myself experimenting with ideas driven by the knowledge that "there must be a better way".
What is a typical work day like?
I am typically up at 5:30 a.m. to get my older daughter and son up, fed and off to school. Not too far behind them, the younger two need to be woken, fed and also led to the bus to go to school. After the storm of morning rush hour ends, a much needed hot coffee makes me smile...then it’s off "to the races" so to speak. How much can I get done before the children get home? Between responding to emails, making sure our fulfillment house is tracking on all orders, reaching out to new client prospects, and working with my marketing team on various PR and social marketing opportunities… I’m busy trying to develop other ideas for potential placement in our company's product line-up.
The most enriching part of the day, however, is when I can answer a concerned breastfeeding/pregnancy question. I truly enjoy talking to and supporting other women/mothers.
What has been a struggle while starting up your company?
A company under goes many struggles that go beyond just the financial. For us, the importance of being made in the United States and providing foam/fabric that were environmentally conscious, made the "struggle" or I would rather say "challenge" more of one to conquer when getting our company off the ground.
I am a graphic designer by trade and have worked freelance for many prestigious companies.
For me, success is a mom who has shared her positive experience after using our products and the multiple awards we have won for filling a need/niche for breastfeeding and pregnant women.
What have been some of your major challenges?
As a small company, it is getting people more aware of not just our products, but about the importance of breastfeeding and taking care of their pregnant bodies to ensure the greatest good for their infant.
My children. In the end, this endeavor is for them to see that just because things seem difficult...you keep trying; you don't give up!
Yoga, Yoga and more Yoga! ☺
What is next for your business?
If I told you that there would be no surprise announcements! But one thing I can share is to continue growing our international presence through new distribution partnerships.
I have spent many hours either emailing potential “mompreneurs” or talking to them over the
phone. My advice always starts the same; do you believe in what you want to create? If yes, then the research begins...and guiding them through avoiding costly mistakes – many of which I made myself. I talk to mom entrepreneurs because I believe in supporting them in their endeavor, but not misleading them either. I wish I had had someone to turn to when I was struggling with all my questions, doubts and lack of resources.
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