Did you hear? Channing Tatum was named PEOPLE Magazine’s Annual Sexiest Man Alive. Last week I shared my excitement for this upcoming PEOPLE Magazine issue, and named him as one of my picks for this year's winner. So, you can only imagine how excited I was (and so many other women) when we saw that Channing Tatum won. And, the first thing I did when it became available on newstands on November 16th was head to my local CVS to pick up a copy. Unfortunately, they didn't have the magazine in stock until today. I will not lie, while I was in MA the other day doing some shopping, I flipped through the magazine in the checkout line, but waited until today to pick it up at CVS.
I am so glad that I had waited, as I have been so busy these past few days with the girls and getting ready for our Thanksgiving dinner, that I didn't have time to read it. So, when the girls went down for their afternoon nap, I poured myself a hot cup of tea and settled in on the couch to flip through the PEOPLE Magazine’s Annual Sexiest Man Alive issue, which was a double issue. Not only was the magazine chock full of eye candy that would make any lady swoon, but it also had some great gift ideas and celebrity stories.
Usually I like to flip through the pages first, and then when I know I have more time to read without being interrupted (usually in the wee hours of the morning when everyone is sleeping) I will read each page of the magazine cover to cover. But, I was able to read these few stories before the girls got up. What amazing story about Lauren Scruggs, who lost her left hand and eye in a freak airplane propeller accident last December. In less than a year, she has made a remarkable recovery both physically and emotionally. Her story will inspire you this holiday season, and is one worth checking out when you pick up the PEOPLE Magazine’s Annual Sexiest Man Alive issue on newsstands now.
The Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber story talked about their recent breakup, which stemmed from trust issues. It is nice to see that young couples (even celebrities) have the same relationship issues as us adults. This story has been all the buzz on television and the Internet. One minute they are on again, and then the next they are broken up. I guess only time will tell if this relationship is meant to last. I know I will be kept up to date with the next issue of PEOPLE magazine.
And, the other story I was able to read before the girls woke up from their afternoon nap was about none other than the Sexiest Man Alive himself, Channing Tatum. Not only was he interviewed, but PEOPLE magazine also shared photos of him as a child and teen. You will definitely want to see what he looked like when he was little. He was cute back then, too. :-)
I can't wait until I get a chance to read the rest of the stories and sections in this special double issue. There is a feature in the book section about winter cookbooks, as well as a story about the General Petraeus scandal, that I will be looking forward to reading, in addition to the pages and pages of eye candy to enjoy. :-)
So, what are you waiting for? Head on over to your favorite retailer and pick up a copy of PEOPLE Magazine’s Annual Sexiest Man Alive issue, on newsstands now and for a limited time. For $4.99 plus tax, you will get your money's worth. :-)
Disclosure: This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate MediaGroup™, but all my opinions are my own http://cmp.ly/3/KqtZiE.
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