"Teeming with magic, beauty and pure joy, this
crowd-pleasing winner at the Sundance Film Festival has emerged as one of the
year’s most acclaimed films. Newcomer Quvenzhané Wallis delivers an
“Oscar®-worthy performance” (Philadelphia Daily News) as Hushpuppy, the
six-year-old force of nature in an isolated bayou community. When her tough but
loving father Wink (Dwight Henry) succumbs to a mysterious malady, the fierce
and determined girl bravely sets out on a journey to the outside world. But
Hushpuppy’s quest is hindered by a “busted” universe that melts the ice caps
and unleashes an army of prehistoric beasts."
Blu-ray Special Features:
● The
Making of Beasts of the Southern Wild
● Theatrical
● Sneak
○ Stoker
Theatrical Trailer
○ The
Blu-ray Experience
○ Fox
World Cinema
○ The
Exclusive Special Features:
● Deleted
Scenes with Commentary by Director Benh Zeitlin
● Auditions
○ Quvenzhané
○ Dwight
○ Quvenzhané
Wallis and Dwight Henry
● Glory
at Sea
● Music
● The
My Thoughts:
I love watching movies with up and coming young actors/actresses, and in this movie, Quvenzhané Wallis, stole the show as Hushpuppy.The movie is worth watching just to see this little girl act. Based on this performance and the Oscar buzz around it, I expect great things from her in the future. I have been eagerly awaiting for this movie to arrive on DVD and Blu-Ray, as it was one I really wanted to see but missed in theaters.
Over the Thanksgiving holiday, I received a screener copy of the movie and couldn't wait to watch it. My parents hadn't seen or heard about it, so I told them they were in for a treat, as this movie has received rave reviews. As the movie began and we were introduced to Hushpuppy and her less than appealing living situation in the Louisiana Bayou, our hearts sank as we thought about all the children out there that lived in squalors like her, and how we wished we could do something to make their lives more bearable. I will not lie, I had to turn away at a few scenes as I felt bad watching her cook up and eat dog food, seeing her treated poorly by her drunk father, and a few other scenes which I will not spoil in case you haven't seen the movie.
The film is centers around 6 year old Hushpuppy, who after loosing everything, goes on a search to find her mother. In addition to her search, she has to deal with her father taking ill, and learning to be self-sufficient and independent at a very young age. This is a very powerful movie, that will move you. We all found ourselves rooting for Hushpuppy and hoping that in the end she would have a better life and be protected, like all children should. A lot is thrown at you as the viewer, but is done so in a way to show the struggles of one little girl, as she fights to overcome them. I am so glad I had the opportunity to watch this film, and can’t wait to watch it again and share with family and friends. And, like I said, I can wait to see what comes of this young actress, who shined as the leading lady in her role as Hushpuppy.
So, if you are looking for a movie to pick up and watch next week, why not add “Beasts of Southern Wild” to your list? You will not be disappointed.
Disclosure: I was sent a screener copy in order to write up an hones review, from the vendor. The views above are mine and mine alone.
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