- Hardcover: 40 pages
- Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers; First Edition edition (October 2, 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0316070459
- ISBN-13: 978-0316070454
- Product Dimensions: 10.3 x 10.1 x 0.5 inches
My little one, lay down your head.
time to doze, it's time for bed.
tell me, "I'm not sleepy now."
try," I say. You ask me, "How?"
this lyrical animal ABC book, a mother tries to tuck her child in for the night
by telling him about all the awake animals that are getting sleepy. From
antlered Antelope to zzz-ing Zebra, this alphabet of animals becomes an
exquisite celebration of language and nature, just right for lulling even the
most wide-awake little ones into a cozy, soothing slumber.
My Thoughts:
I think I have found the perfect bedtime book, thanks to Crescent Dragonwagon (Yes, that is his last name) and his new children's book, All the Awake Animals Are Almost Asleep. This book is not only beautifully illustrated, but way in which it is written will delight children young and old. If you have young children, like myself (and maybe some teens who fight to stay up late), then you know how hard it can be to get them recognize that night time if for sleeping -and, not for getting a second wind. With our girls, once they realize it is time for bed, they will try everything in their power to stay awake. Just last night, after a heated car ride didn't get them sleepy :-(, I pulled out this new release and read it to them.
Since receiving this book last week, I have read it to them at least 2-3 times a week. Savannah is in awe of the beautiful illustrations of the wild animals, done by David McPhail, while I love how it is set up to not only teach children about how animals and humans need to sleep, but that it is presented in an A-Z format. We have been working with Savannah on learning her colors , numbers and ABC's, and I have to say this is my favorite book that can be used to reach all three. After I am done reading each page, I point out each letter in the alphabet and the animals that coincide with it. Then, together we count the number of animals and objects on the page, followed up by identifying the multitude of colors on each page. By the time we reach the end of the book, Arabella is already fast asleep, while Savannah gives one last stretch before she cuddles up with her blankie for a good night's sleep. :-)
So, if you are looking for a book to share with your little ones at bedtime, why not pick up Crescent Dragonwagon's new book, All the Awake Animals Are Almost Asleep" today?
About the Author:
DAVID McPHAIL is the creator of dozens of wonderful books, including Big
Brown Bear's Up and Down Day; Sisters; Mole Music, a New York Times
Book Review Best Illustrated Book of the Year; and several recent Green
Light Readers for Harcourt. He lives in New Hampshire.
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this book by the publisher in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
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