"Good Morning My Love is all about the connection between you and your baby. Let this music help you bond with your baby, establish a routine, understand your baby, and feel understood yourselves."
"Independent children's musician Vered spent the summer months making her 2012 Parents' Choice® Gold Award winning album, Good Morning My Love, even better! Vered released a re-mastered edition of Good Morning My Love, featuring two new songs, on October 23rd. (VeredMusic, $14.00, for children from birth to three and their parents, run time 30 minutes).
It is easy to understand why Vered's Good Morning My Love was chosen by kids' music superstar Laurie Berkner as one of her top album picks of the year in USA Today. Vered has taken children's music to a whole new level by making a CD that is first and foremost for the parent. She has not only created a collection of enchanting songs that are perfect to accompany the earliest years, she has touched the heartstring of what parenting is all about.
What is perhaps even more impressive is that the CD's content is solidly grounded in infant psychology, music therapy, and attachment theory.
Beyond being a composer, performer and mother of two young sons, Vered is a music therapist who has pursued advanced studies in clinical psychology and has put her extensive training to good use, leading more than fifty parent/baby workshops each year. For ten years she devoted days to her studies and clinical practice, while singing by night. Her beautiful voice has been compared to Norah Jones.
Good Morning My Love celebrates parenting and early childhood in a profound way that assists parents in connecting and communicating with their babies. Through her songs, Vered helps parents become aware of ways they can use music to establish routines, organize playtime/learning time, soothe, and build security.
The songs on Good Morning My Love are ordered more or less chronologically according to a baby's development and are composed with both novice and experienced parents in mind. Throughout Good Morning My Love, the music illuminates emotions of both baby and parent during the first years of parenting."
I will not be winning awards or signing any music contracts any time soon, but I can't help but sing to my girls (even if I am off key). Even before they were born, I was singing "Twinkle Twinkle" and other soothing songs to them. And, now that they are 11 1/2 months and 2 yrs. old, I can't help but want to snuggle up next to them at bedtime and sing them to sleep. I remember growing up, having my mother sing to me, and always dreamed that one day I, too, would sing my children to sleep.
Prior to learning about Vered, who is not only a mother, but also a musician and music therapist, I didn't know the full affect music has on children, especially babies and infants. Singing is a wonderful way to bond with your children (no matter what their age), especially during the early years. Just recently, I saw firsthand how powerful song was, as my daughters have been fighting a nasty head cold, and would wake in the night coughing, having trouble breathing, and just overall scared as they were not used to feeling this way. As I brushed their hair away from their faces, and snuggled up close to them, I began singing some of their favorite songs. Within a matter of seconds, they calmed down and began to drift off to sleep again.
And, during the daytime, when all they wanted to do was lay around, I ended up playing the new release from Vered. Not only did the soothing songs, thanks in part to Vered's melodic voice, bring an instant calm over the room, but the girls and I found new songs that I could sing to them. Savannah kept asking me to sing "When You Smile" and "Sunshine", while I noticed Arabella perked up more when she heard "Faces" and "Jump".
I am so grateful to be able to stay home and watch my daughters grow up, and love being able to turn on the radio or play a CD like Vered's, and break out into song and dance. I love watching the girls show off their dance moves, and listen to Savannah begin to sing "Twinkle Twinkle" and other songs she had heard me sing to her these past two years. Hopefully soon, she will join me in singing some of Vered's songs, as they are great to sing together, as we bond.
If you are expecting or have young children at home, why not break out of your comfort zone and pick up Vered's new CD, "Good Morning My Love" and introduce music to your children. Not only will you both find it entertaining, but you will be forming a lasting emotional bond. You don't have to be a great singer to sing to your children. My girls love my voice, even though I know I can't carry a tune. But, watching Savannah singing along with me is priceless. :-)
---BUY NOW--
Good Morning My Love in its original version is available online at,, and iTunes.
Good Morning My Love
Hands in My Mouth
One Day
Flying Hands
When You Smile
Ah Ah
Don't Leave Me
New Words
At 63
Check out Vered's website at
Good Morning My Love in its original version is available online at,, and iTunes.
Good Morning My Love
Hands in My Mouth
One Day
Flying Hands
When You Smile
Ah Ah
Don't Leave Me
New Words
At 63
Check out Vered's website at
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this CD from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
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