"The WannaBeWell mobile application from Life…supplemented is a comprehensive wellness resource that aims to educate, activate and motivate those looking to live a healthier life. The approach focuses on three pillars: healthy diet, vitamins and other supplements, and regular exercise."
Key features of the app include:
- Create your own personalized Wellness Coach by choosing from a roster of customizable characters who will deliver daily motivational and educational messages to keep you moving towards a healthier lifestyle.

- Receive ‘Healthy Mission’ tasks given by the Wellness Coach and collect trophies for accomplishing the tasks.

- Explore the Supplement Resource Center, which offers users information about vitamins and other dietary supplements in a simple and easy to understand format. It houses thousands of articles and insights that help users make an informed dietary decision.
- Set up reminders to take — or restock — your supplements.

I have been using this FREE mobile app, which works with iPhones and iPads,from Life...Supplemented for a few weeks now and love it. Having a background in health education, I couldn't wait to try this new app out and see if it would hold a person's attention and desire to work towards a healthier lifestyle. I have to say that this app really motivates you and can help those who struggle with maintaining schedules, remembering to take vitamins and/or supplements, or just needing that extra push on a daily basis to get up and exercise.
A fun feature that everyone will enjoy, is creating your own coach. Similar to building an online avatar, you can choose how you want your personal coach to look. Both my husband and I were trying out this app, and chose different coaches. Go figure, he went with the lady, while I chose the drill Sergent looking coach. But, in the end, it doesn't matter which coach you choose, as they all work to help you achieve your overall goals and make optimum healthy lifestyle choices.
Coming from an education background, I know that many people prefer making small changes, when working towards making a behavioral or health change. When they see themselves accomplishing these small feats, they are more prone to stick to their daily regime and work towards accomplishing other feats, as they build up to making a major change. And, when it comes to your health, small steps work much better than trying to make a drastic change all at once. That is why those liquid diets really don't keep the weight off, or starving yourself to fit into a smaller dress size or swimsuit usually backfires, and makes you back on the pounds as you try to rebound from being undernourished.
When I sat down the other night to discuss this app with my husband, I couldn't wait to hear what he thought. He had been using this app to help prepare himself for a couple races. What he loved most about this app is the reminders and detailed information about adding supplements to his diet. I was never big on supplements beyond the normal daily vitamin, so I didn't spend much time using this supplement portion of this app. But, seeing that my husband enjoyed it and found it very beneficial, make me only like this app better.
What I found most useful was the general health resource library. It was filled with everyday ailments and nuisances (ie. allergies, sinus infections, congestion, etc.) that can be treated with natural remedies. I really did learn a lot with this resource library and was able to brush on natural remedies I didn't know about, and share with family and friends who were suffering from some of these ailments.
I have been trying to lose those extra baby weight pounds with no luck, but found this app was great at helping me stay on course, maintain a healthy diet and exercising daily (even if it was just taking the stairs or walking to a location close by. And, the bonus was collecting trophies for each of the tasks I accomplished along the way. While Savannah was earning stickers for potty training, I was receiving trophies through my phone. :-)
If you have tried other mobile apps to help with improving your overall health and either didn't like them or found them to help, then you should really give WannaBeWell a try? It is easy to set up and use, and in no time you will feeling and looking better. :-) I know as I am waking up with more energy and loving how I feel. Even moms need a reminder here and there. :-)
Click on the image above to download this FREE app now!
Have you downloaded the Life Supplemented WannaBeWell app yet? If so, what did you think? Did you find it easy to navigate and full of beneficial information? I'd love to hear your thoughts, so leave a comment below. :-) And, if you will be downloading for the first time, don't forge to utilize several online tools available to help you optimize your personal health, including:
- Are you an an AlphaWELL or an OhWELL? Find out by taking My Wellness Scorecard, a fun, free and interactive online quiz that provides an initial wellness assessment and offers tips and ways to improve your health.
- The Supplemental, a blog that provides a forum around healthy diet, supplements and exercise from an expert panel of bloggers. The Life…supplemented panel of experts share a variety of fresh and innovative perspectives to inspire you to make smart choices.
- The Supplement Resource Center houses thousands of articles and insights that help users make an informed decision about dietary supplements.
Don't forget to 'like" Life Supplemented on Facebook and follow them on Twitter for news and updates. Need more information, you can learn more by reading their fact sheet here -- Fact Sheet.
Disclosure: “I wrote this blog post while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting
on behalf of Life…supplemented. As a thank you for participating, I
received a $25 promotional item, and a $25 donation was made on my
behalf to Vitamin Angels.”
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