
Monday, September 3, 2012

MyPlate Dinnerware Collection from Fresh Baby Helps Making Balancing My Daughter's Diet Easier and Fun (Review)

Now that Savannah has transitioned to table foods and is learning to feed herself with toddler utensils, I am finding myself paying more attention to what I put in her plate, in order to keep her diet well balanced.

I was shocked to read this a couple of weeks ago --

"One in five kids (ages 2 to 5) is overweight or obese before entering kindergarten, and in a Childhood Obesity special report CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta said “Families and adults who take care of children are well-meaning but unintentionally making poor food choices.” 
Source: Institute of Medicine Early Childhood Obesity Prevention Policies Consensus Report:; CNN Dr. Sanjay Gupta quote:

"Fresh Baby’s CEO, Cheryl Tallman agrees “Parents and caregivers need better tools and support at the time when food choices are being made – this means in the kitchen and at the dinner table. Their new MyPlate products provide support with meal preparation and portion control.”

The innovative “MyPlate Collection” is the result Fresh Baby’s visionary approach and their newly formed partnership with the USDA.   “Fresh Baby is proud to be a partner in the USDA/CNPP Nutrition Communicator Network…” stated Cheryl Tallman  “…this relationship supports us in achieving our goal to provide parents with the help they need to raise healthy children.”

The MyPlate product line includes a 4-Section Kid’s Portion Plate, a four-ounce drinking cup, a three-piece cutlery set and two-sided placemat.  There is also a portion plate for older children and adults. The main benefit of the product line is to provide a visual blueprint for healthy eating, including food groups and portion guides."

With a background in health education myself, and having conducted many educational workshops in schools on healthy eating with grade-school children, I couldn't wait to try out Fresh Baby's, "MyPlate Collection" with Savannah.  I don't know if it is just me, but ever since we began transitioning Savannah over to table foods, she slowly became a picky eater -- only wanting chicken noodle soup, mac and cheese, hot dogs and french fries.  Now, I can't serve this to her every week and expect her to get all the recommended daily nutrients she needs to grow. So, I had to find a way to make eating fun -- kind of like a game.  This is where the MyPlate Collection set that Fresh Baby sent my way, came into play.  I filled each section with healthy fruits, vegetables, etc. and told her that each time she finished eating everything from one section, she would get a sticker.  Who knew that stickers to a child were so valuable?  :-)  But, over the next couple of weeks, she took to the game I created for you, and eventually began eating everything I put in front of her, without me having to nag her to finish.  Yes, I still rewarded her with a sticker at the end, but she began understanding the importance of a balanced diet, and that you can't just eat puffs and cheese fish all day long.  Instead, you need to make sure you are eating the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables a day (50%), to grow big and strong. :-)

If you have a picky eater like my daughter is, or are looking for a way to introduce a healthier, more well-balanced meal selection with your children, why not consider picking up Fresh Baby's MyPlate collection?  It makes learning about portion control and consuming a healthy and more balanced meal easier fun for children of all ages.  Even parents who are not up-to-date on USDA standards will learn a thing or two, and hopefully change their poor eating habits.  Remember, monkey see...monkey do.  If you children see you consuming snacks and not eating  well-balanced meals, including fruits and vegetables, how are supposed to learn the proper way to eat?  Teach by example. :-)

Start today by downloading the Portion Size Tip Sheet.


Fresh Baby is proud to add the My Plate Collection to its popular So Easy Line of products for making baby food which include the award-winning So Easy Baby Food Kit, their best-selling Baby Food Storage Tray plus serving dishes and cookbooks.

These items are available online at and at major online retailers including and 

Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the vendor in order to write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.

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