I am excited to share this week's Spotlight on Mommy with you, as she has an amazing story of hope and support for families who have children battling cancer. Rene A. Fesler-Giacalone founded Honeysuckle Foundation for Children with Cancer, after her daughter, then 6 year old daughter Alicia finished up treatment for bone cancer.
The Honeysuckle Foundation for Children with Cancer is an organization dedicated to while working with and in partnership with pediatric oncologists, pyschologists and social workers, improve the quality-of-life and the emotional support for children diagnosed with cancer and their families.

- Support and assist psychosocial programs specifically targeting and identifying the needs and issues faced by children with cancer and their families.
- Bring an awareness to the emotional issues faced by children and families dealing with cancer and assist in the development of and implementation of 'family friendly' cancer programs.
- Provide resources as incentives for children undergoing chemotherapy and various medical procedures.
- Working in conjunction with local schools and hospital personnel, provide educational programs for school personnel and students to increase understanding of the disease and encourage social support for the patient and siblings both during treatment and post-treatment.
- Raise public awareness of pediatric cancer and the social and emotional impact is has not only upon the family itself, but on the community.
As for Rene, I had the opportunity to read and share her book with my parents, and have to say that her account of her daughter's experience with pediatric cancer was touching. I have a close family friend who is battling with an incurable pediatric cancer, and as I watch them stay strong for their son, I can only imagine how they are feeling on the inside. My parents only began opening up to me a couple of years ago, after I was 3 years out of treatment, and how they felt and still feel about watching their youngest daughter have to go through what I did. With Rene's book and foundation, she is bringing awareness to parents and others around the world, and hopefully shedding a light on pediatric cancer and those affected by it, while helping to support those undergoing cancer treatment.
I urge all parents to read Rene's book and to visit her foundations' website to learn more about one mom's journey with pediatric cancer, and to show your support.
Please enjoy my interview with Rene A. Fesler-Giacalone. And, on Friday, I will be offering five (5) lucky reader a chance to win a copy of Rene's book, Alicia's Updates A Mothers Memoir of Pediatric Cancer for 5 readers to read and share with family and friends. So, make sure you head back here and enter.
Name: Rene A. Fesler-Giacalone
Company Name/Product/Service: Honeysuckle Foundation for Children with Cancer
Alicia's Updates A Mother's Memoir of Pediatric Cancer
Company Location: Long Island, New York
Facebook URL: Rene A. Giacalone
Twitter Handle: @ TeamHoneysuckle
Age of Company: 10 years old
Favorite Inspirational Quotes: Keep on smiling, it makes the world wonder what you have been up to....
Favorite Book: The Secret
Tell us a little bit about yourself. How many children do you have? What are their ages? Your hobbies? Etc.
consider myself an 'accidental' advocate becoming an author and
pediatric cancer advocate after my youngest daughter Alicia was
diagnosed with cancer 10 years ago. I have devoted the past 10 years
bringing awareness to pediatric cancer which is terribly under funded
and lacks the recognition and support other cancers receive. This
is due to a population of children who are too young to spearhead this
cause and parents who are so overwhelmed with treatment and the
complexities of dealing with the disease their focus is just on trying
to live during grueling treatment. I have three children my oldest
daugher Lauren is a graduate of the University of Florida in
Gainesville and recently got engaged, a son Stephen who attends college
in New York and my youngest daughter Alicia who is entering senior year
of high school in the fall.
Briefly explain your business. How did it come about?
The Honeysuckle Foundation for Children with Cancer www.honeysucklefoundation.org
is a 501(c)3 not for profit founded by Alicia and myself when she was
finishing up her treatment. In order to keep her occupied during her
numerous hospital admissions, Alicia set up a 'store' in her hospital
room selling sterling silver jewelry. Since it was only a few weeks
before the holidays, her business boomed. After her 1 week stay at the
hospital she had sold $1000 which was money for herself. She put in the
effort, the profits were hers. Alicia had taken note about the other
kids around her during her stays and also noticed they did not have as
much 'fun' or activity as she had. Alicia asked if her $1000 could go
towards helping other kids have the same experiences she had. A visit
from a family friend attorney Michael Borg and the Honeysuckle
Foundation was born. Named after the block we all lived on at the time
Honeysuckle Court, the Foundation is about psycho-social support and the
emotional aspect of pediatric cancer. We tend to the part of the child
not helped by medicine. With a psychologist and social worker
dedicated to working specifically with pediatric cancer patients and
their families, the Honeysuckle Foundation is working to make a
difference in the lives of those touched by pediatric cancer, grow our
programs to a national level and bring public awareness to a disease
that deserves major support and recognition.
What is a typical work day like?
we are a strictly volunteer Foundation on any day I get to do
everything. From answering the phones, writing thank you letters
or brainstorming with people on growing our group or speaking to groups
about pediatric cancer and perspective, my day is unpredictable. Since
our core group is based out of the New York metropolitan area, I also
find myself traveling frequently for meetings and events.
What has been a struggle while starting up your company?
When we started and Alicia was just off treatment, it was easy to
attract enthusiastic volunteers and supporters for our cause. Ten years
later however, our numbers have dwindled to only the 'hard core'
supporters'. We have persevered however, because I have a vision for
the future of pediatric cancer and for the Honeysuckle Foundation and I
continually network and reach out looking for help and support.
Sometimes we do not get it, but most of the time we do. Ask and you
shall receive.
What did you do in your past work life?
to being a stay at home mom and not for profit director, I worked for a
defense contractor as a corporate communications director.
What have been some of your major successes?
major success has been Alicia being a healthy 16 year old about to
start her senior year of high school. Nothing compares to that. I have
also been the recipient of the Fortune 52 award by the Long Island
Press honoring women on Long Island who make a difference. In 2010 I
was a Community Award winner for Cabot Cheese a national contest that
brings a group of individuals just like myself devoting our lives to
helping others first on a Celebrity Cruise. It was one of the best
weeks of my life meeting and bonding with like minded people who make a
difference in this country every day. I gained some of the greatest
contacts of my life that week and Cabot Cheese turned out to be the
Honeysuckle Foundation's best sponsor and supporter. I only buy Cabot
products after meeting them. What I believe is one of my most rewarding
success is the publication of my book Alicia's Updates A Mother's
Memoir of Pediatric Cancer www.aliciasupdates.com
It is the story of our journey through pediatric cancer and the story
of how the Honeysuckle Foundation was founded and grew. It is very
rewarding to hear from people that my book changed their perspective on
things for the better.
What have been some of your major challenges?
The economy has hurt everyone but especially small not for profits. Without the arm of major corporations or major celebrity to keep you on the map, it is a daily challenge to gain supporters and momentum.
On those impossible days, what motivates you to keep going?
Tomorrow. I always recognize that today's struggles will not be so daunting tomorrow or the day after that. I have witnessed too many people who no longer have tomorrow, so I chalk it up to a bad day and will retry things tomorrow.
What is your balancing secret in managing a business and family?
My family is part of this business. We went
through cancer treatment together and we go through helping others
together. Everyone wants to be involved, and sometimes I hear the
complaint it is not enough they are doing, but we go through things
together. It keeps us close and allows a lot more understanding from my
children when I am consumed by an upcoming event.
What is next for your business?
Alicia as a
survivor, is upset and disappointed over the recognition for 'think
pink' and the lack of recognition for gold awareness, the color of
pediatric awareness. She has started a group 'Let Gold Be Told' on
Facebook where kids with cancer and survivors get to tell their stories
and gain support for their cancer. Kids do not have the voice that
adults have and therefore it is up to people like Alicia who are now
young adults to change the perception and support of pediatric cancer.
She has started in this direction and the Foundation is going to help
her with this as part of our mission.
Do you have any advice for other mom entrepreneurs that are starting out and struggling, or are on the fence about starting a business?
I always think of the Tony Robbins
advice of 'should have, could have, would have.' If I do not do this,
am I going to one day have regret about it and say to myself I should
have done this, could have done this or only if I would have done this.
I would rather have tried and failed than to fail at trying.
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