
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Must Do Before Summer Ends -- Run Through the Sprinkler With Your Kids

As the summer draws near, I am trying to cram all the things I wanted to do with my family into these last few weeks.  One thing that I was waiting to do, especially on a hot day, was to run through the sprinkler with Savannah.  Each and every time I see her playing with the sprinkler, she looks so happy and without a care in the world.  Oh, what I would give to have a few childhood moments like this back.

So, this past weekend, I surprised both Savannah and my husband (who didn't think I would do it), and spent a few minutes running through the sprinkler with her.  Oh, how I wished it was warmer out, and that the water was not as cold.  But, like childbirth, you quickly forget about the pain as soon as you see your child's face.  Savannah got a kick out of having me run through the sprinkler with her.  And, I have to say, it was one my best summertime memory for 2012. 

What has been your favorite summertime memory with your children?  With only a few weeks left before they head back to school, drop down your guard and get out and have fun with your kids.   Who says you can't act like a child?  Don't let them have all the fun!

And, when you are ready to return the world of being an adult, and want to unwind, why not pick up a copy of Childrens Hospital: The Complete Third Season, now available on DVD.  And, tune in each week to watch this hilarious show on the Adult Swim channel, now in its 4th Season.  It will have you laughing up a storm.


Click here -- --  to order Childrens Hospital: The Complete Third Season, now available on DVD

Disclosure: "I have been hired by Warner Bros WBWord division to raise awareness for Childrens Hospital."

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