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When it’s announced that Twilight Sparkle’s older brother, Shining
Armor, is set to marry Princess Celestia’s niece, Cadance, all the
ponies in Equestria should be celebrating. But there’s one pony in
Ponyville that’s not so thrilled with the news — Twilight Sparkle! Why
is the young unicorn so concerned? And will the royal wedding go off
without a hitch? Find out in the two-part special! And then, join us
for the perfect after-party — three more My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic episodes!
Episodes Include:
Episodes Include:
- A Canterlot Wedding, Part 1
- A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2
- Hearts And Hooves Day
- Sweet & Elite
- The Best Night Ever
Bonus Features:
- Two Sing-Alongs
- Coloring Sheet
My Thoughts:
I was a huge fan of My Little Pony as a child, so was excited when I was recently able to share one of my childhood memories with my daughters. Yesterday, I snuggled on the couch with Savannah, and watched the new My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Royal Pony Wedding with her. this was the first time Savannah has seen My Little Pony and I loved seeing her reaction. She kept pointing to the characters and saying, "pretty pony." How cute, huh? I thought so. :-) As we sat and watched each of the five episodes on this upcoming release, I could tell that she was enjoying the animated series, just as much as I did, and still do. I have caught a few episodes of the My Little Pony Friendship is Magic series, which is currently airing on The HUB TV network.
Where you a big My Little Pony fan growing up? I can't tell you how many ponies I had. I remember spending hours brushing their manes and pretending that they had magical powers and could fly around. As I sat there watching the fun animated episodes with Savannah, I couldn't help but smile, as I remembered some of these childhood memories. What I loved best about this movies and the series, is how they incorporate the importance of friendship in each episode. Also, it makes little girls use their imaginations when playing with the toys and play sets. Don't tell Savannah, but I ended up going to the store tonight to pick her up a My Little Pony of her own. I wished that I had kept my collection, to pass on to her. I can't wait to see her reaction when we watch this DVD again, as I know we will, as she keeps looking for and carrying it around, and then I surprise her with a pony of her own. I am loving being able to share my childhood favorites with her. Don't you love doing this with your little ones?
Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this DVD from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
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