
Monday, July 23, 2012

Spotlight on Mommy -- Stephanie D. Johnson of Bed Rest Concierge

I wish I had known about this week's Spotlight Mom during my first pregnancy with Savannah.  Boy was that pregnancy rough.  When I wasn't vomiting, I was either on bed rest or in the hospital getting hydrated.  And, when I did have energy, the last thing I wanted to be doing was running errands and being on my feet all day.  Stephanie Johnson, created Bed Rest Concierge, as a way to help other women.  Her business offers maternity and baby planning services to women experiencing bed rest during pregnancy. According to Stephanie, 1 in 5 women, that's roughly 800,000 annually, are placed on bed rest and there are no real resources for them.  She is speaking from experience, as she spent 26 weeks on bed res herself. Stephanie knew that she  had to make this experience better for the next Mommy and vowed that when she got out of bed she was going to do something. Her daughter was born on 3/28/11, and the company logo was designed and registered on 6/9/11.  I admire Stephanie and her passion, as I began my business while pregnant with Savannah, and quickly forged forward after she was born.  Stephanie truly is an advocate for other women, and like her grandmother always told her, "Help others more than you help yourself and you will see success."  She believes this, as do I, and I know that moms that have used her services are thankful she pursued her dreams and created this amazing and much needed service.

Please enjoy my interview with Stephanie Johnson of Bed Rest Concierge below.

Name:  Stephanie D. Johnson

Company Name/Product/Service:  Bed Rest Concierge

Company Location: Plano, TX

Company Website:

Facebook URL:

Twitter Handle: @bedrestconcierg

Age of Company:   Celebrated 1 year anniversary on June 8, 2012

Favorite Inspirational Quotes:  “Help others more than you help yourself.”  My Grandmother, Shirley Rayford told me that when I was a little girl.

Favorite Book:  The Secret



Tell us a little bit about yourself.  How many children do you have?  What are their ages? Your hobbies? Etc.

I am a Mother to a glorious 1 year old little girl, Harlow Grace.  I am a former Corporate Financial Analyst for 15 years before I branched out and became a Mompreneur.  I am a professionally trained Dancer, I’ve been dancing since the age of two.  I spend all of my time with my daughter, growing my business and I sneak in a movie every now and then.

Briefly explain your business.  How did it come about?

My business Bed Rest Concierge offers Maternity and Baby Planning services to expectant mother’s experiencing bed rest during their pregnancy.  I spent 26 weeks on and off of bed rest and I needed support and resources and I just couldn’t find what I really needed.  I told myself when I got out of bed I would change the bed rest experience for the next Mommy.  I had my daughter on March 28, 2011 and the company was up and running on June 8, 2011.

What is a typical work day like?

No day is ever the same due to the nature of my business.  Pregnancy demands and situations are ever changing.  I’m a Mompreneur with and incorporating my daughter in my day is very important to me.  
I start work around 6 am fulfilling orders answering emails, around 9am I head out to client meetings and networking events.  The afternoon is reserved for checking in with my Resting Mommies who may be new clients or have projects going on at their home.  As the Owner, I try to stay present, visible and available to my clients.  Pregnancy is such a personal experience and I want Resting Mommies to feel that they are always being thought of and attended to.  Evening I shut down from 6-9 to get the baby taken care of and put to bed.  During that time I take emails for scheduling and appointment I just don’t take calls.  9pm – 1am, I’m online scheduling, setting appointments and deliveries for the next day, updating and checking social media, making connections, and doing research.  People always say how do you connect with different businesses at night?  You would be surprised by the number of Business Owners that work all throughout the evening and into the morning.  I’ve gotten personal responses from CEO”s at 2am.  I love what I am doing so it never feels like work.

What has been a struggle while starting up your company? 

My company is such a micro-niche that getting people to really understand Bed Rest.  That’s why I always include facts, statistics and give examples of the different types of Bed Rest that Mommies experience.  Once people are able to make that connection they gain a true understanding of my company.  I am an Advocate for Women and I take that approach, if I can educate businesses and the community about the Resting Mommies I serve my company begins to make sense to them. 

What did you do in your past work life?

I have a degree in Finance and I spent 15 years in the corporate arena as a Financial Analyst.  That seems so long ago.  A former life.

What have been some of your major successes?

A major success for Bed Rest Concierge was becoming Minority Certified.  I am a new business in an unfamiliar industry and to have my company be considered viable and relevant to the business community was exciting and it’s something that I am extremely proud of.

What have been some of your major challenges?

Making the connection from bed rest to services.  Getting people to understand that we are not just personal shopping and errands, we are a resource and we are necessary.

On those impossible days, what motivates you to keep going?

The Women on bed rest and their families that benefit and are strengthened by the work we do.

What is your balancing secret in managing a business and family?

It’s a constant re-shifting of priorities.  I may not give equal time to business and family, but any time that I give is truly quality and undivided.  The day I was scheduling a nursery and launching our Green baby initiative, I was typing at my computer when my daughter stood up and took her first steps in my office.  I have the best of business and family!

What is next for your business?

On the immediate horizon, we launched our grocery shopping delivery service to everyone that was major for us we started just servicing families, now businesses, schools and Corporate offices use our service.  We also offer Farm to Doorstep delivery, teaming with local farmer’s to deliver farm fresh produce directly to your doorstep.  We are one of the only companies in Texas offering this kind of direct produce delivery services.

We are pushing to expand our Green Baby initiative to include Green Toddler and Green Teen.  Living Green is a lifestyle and as we all know Green babies grown into Green Adults, we want to help them get there.

Did I mention Change the World?  I do that in my spare time J

Do you have any advice for other mom entrepreneurs that are starting out and struggling, or are on the fence about starting a business?

Get off of the fence.  Every business started as an idea.  Put your inspiration into action and see where it leads you. 

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