
Friday, June 29, 2012

Must Have Baby Gear Item for New and Expectant Moms -- The InGenuity Smart & Quiet swing in the Sumner fashion (Review and Giveaway)

If you have a new baby in the house, or are expecting, do I have the baby gear must have for you?  I was recently sent the new  InGenuity Smart & Quiet swing in the Sumner fashion, which is sold exclusively at Buy Buy Baby!, to review with Arabella. 


  • It features the TrueSpeed™ technology that automatically recognizes baby's weight and adjusts the speed to maintain a consistent motion even as your child grows. 
  • The soothing features include WhisperQuiet™ operation which ensures virtually noiseless motion, eight melodies and three nature sounds o keep baby happy and content. 
  • With a SlimFold™ design, swing is easy to carry along and store away. 
  • Swing also includes a 5-point adjustable harness for baby's safety. 
  • Uses four D batteries; not included. 
  • For babies from birth to 25 pounds. 
  • One-year warranty
At first I wasn't sure if Arabella would take to this swing, as her older sister, Savannah, who was born in 2010, never cared for the two swings (one we bought and another we received as a baby shower gift) we had set up.  Both my daughters have dealt with colic, which if you have had the experience of dealing with a colicky baby, know that it is not a walk in the park.  My husband and I have spent many restless nights walking around the house, rocking our daughters.  It was hard with Savannah, as she was our first, and everything was so new.  I read about different gadgets to help soothe colicky babies, and ended up spending a small fortune of baby gear and accessories, which in the end didn't work, or Savannah didn't want to have any part with.

But, like they say, all children are different.  So, I kept an open mind and gave the InGenuity Smart & Quiet swing a try.  Unlike other baby gear we have bought  over the past two years, this swing was one of the easiest to put together.  In under a half hour and only needing a screw driver, I had the swing put together.  I didn't even need help from my husband, to help hold pieces together, while I screwed the screws in.  

InGenuity™ Smart & Quiet Portable Swing™
The best feature of the InGenuity Smart & Quiet swing in the Sumner fashion is how it can fold together for easy storage and transport.  My other cradle and sway swings didn't do this, and ended up taking up space in the corners of the room. If you walk into my house right now, you would think I ran a daycare, not only with all the toys, but with the baby gear I had to push into corners, as I haven't had time to break them down, because neither of my daughters use them.  My parents are also loving the InGenuity Smart & Quiet swing  when I bring it to visit, as it gets tiring trying to rock a baby to sleep after spending an afternoon with them.  My parents simply place Arabella, who is currently 7 months, but still fits into the cradle and sway swing, with room to grow, and turns it on.  I tell them to set the timer for 30 minutes, but expect Arabella to be fast asleep in under 10 minutes.  It is something about the gentle rocking that lulls her to sleep.  And, on nights when she is teething, restless, or constipated, I know that  I can place her in the InGenuity Smart & Quiet swing, and it will help calm her down, and eventually will put her to sleep.  When it happens, I let the 3o minute timer run out, and then pick her up and put her in her crib.  Gone are the up all nights, pacing the hallways with her.  They say colic only lasts the first few months, but Arabella still has her bouts with acid reflux, causing her to become irritable -- usually at nighttime.  Add on top of that teething, and without the InGenuity Smart & Quiet swing, my husband and I would be pulling our hair out and be totally exhausted.  

I even find it relaxing to sit on the couch and watch Arabella sway back and forth, while the music plays.  By the time she falls asleep and is ready to be put into her crib, I, too, am relaxed enough to fall asleep.

with a few family members and friends expecting in the next 4-6 months, I will definitely be suggesting the InGenuity Smart & Quiet swing in the Sumner fashion, exclusive to Buy Buy Baby! as a must have baby gear item on their registries.  After having tried a handful of other cradle and sway swings, this is the only one that worked for me.  And, I have had  a few friends with fussy babies visit for play dates, and their little ones take to  it instantly, and all calm down, as to enjoy the swaying motion.  Two of my friends have even went out and bought the InGenuity Smart & Quiet swing, after trying it at my house and seeing how their babies enjoy it.  

Here are a couple pictures of Arabella enjoying her new InGenuity Smart & Quiet swing in the Sumner fashion, exclusive to Buy Buy Baby!


So, what are you waiting for? Head on over to Buy Buy Baby! online, or visit your local store, and pick up the InGenuity Smart & Quiet swing in the Sumner fashion today.  You will be glad you did.  Or,  pick it up and  give as a gift for family and friends who live in small apartments or condos, and need baby gear that will not take up too much space.  Like I said, when not in use, it folds up, and stores beautifully.  And, at only $79.99, you can 't beat the price.  Click here to order now online --


One lucky reader will win the InGenuity Smart & Quiet swing in the Sumner fashion, for their little, or to give as a gift.  To enter, please complete the Rafflecopter form below.  Good luck!

Disclosure:  I was sent a sample from the vendor in order to write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.

1 comment:

  1. There's a lot of great items on here. I definitely feel like.Thank's for sharing.
