Friday, June 8, 2012

Hit All the Right Notes With Everyone's Favorite Ballerina ANGELINA BALLERINA™: MUSICAL MOVES On DVD, Digital Download And On Demand June 12, 2012 From Lionsgate And HIT Entertainment (Review and Giveaway)


Street Date: 6/12/12
DVD SRP:  $14.98

Strike a delightful chord with your little dancer in the newest release featuring the mouseling with all the moves in Angelina Ballerina™: Musical Moves, a new, five-episode collection on DVD, Digital Download and On Demand June 12, 2012 from Lionsgate and HIT Entertainment.  Step up and have a great time with Angelina, Gracie, Alice and all their friends as they get their groove on!

Move to the music with Angelina Ballerina and her friends as they explore the wonderful world of dance! Gracie loses herself to some disco grooves while Alice discovers the power of confidence through jazz! AZ hip-hops to a happy-birthday beat and Ms. Mimi takes her students on a modern dance journey. Angelina shows that friendship —like dance — is special, and best built one step at a time!

  • "Angelina and the Disco Dance Craze"
  • "Angelina and the Tummy Butterflies"
  • "Angelina and the Magician"
  • "Angelina and Ms. Mimi's Dance"
  • "Angelina, AZ and Cheezy Z"
  • A Dance A Day Dance Club
Year of Production: 2012
Title Copyrights: © 2012 Hit Entertainment Limited.  The Angelina Ballerina name and character and the dancing Angelina logo are trademarks of Hit Entertainment Limited, Katharine Holabird and Helen Craig. HIT and the HIT logo are trademarks of HIT Entertainment Limited.
Type: TV on DVD
Rating: NR
Genre: Children/Family/Animated
Age Target: 2-7 years old
Closed Captioned: English
Format: 16x9 Widescreen (1.78:1)
Running Time: 61 minutes
DVD Audio Status: English, Spanish and French 2.0 Dolby Digital
Program Website:


My Thoughts:

I can't tell you how big a fan Savannah is of Angelina Ballerina.  This was the first animated series she watched and had become her favorite.  We have all the Angelina Ballerina books, toys, movies, etc., and watch at least one episode a day.  I couldn't believe it when I found out this animates series was around when I was going up in the early 80's.  Did you know about it and see it?  I had the pleasure of reviewing the creator's early books this past holiday and was surprised to find this out.  A lot has changed since then, as the characters have been revamped to appeal to the younger audiences now.  I have to say that as a parent who monitors what their children watch, this is one show I don't have to worry about the content.  And, it is one show that I can sit through and watch with her.  I find the tunes and dancing catchy, and love to see Savannah dancing around the room, as she watches this show.

So, when I showed her the new DVD we got in the mail, she freaked out!  You would have thought she won the lottery.  In an instant, she snatched it from me, and ran to the living room, where she politely asked me to play it.  But, I told her we had to wait until her sister got up, as I didn't want to have her woken by Savannah dancing and loud noise, as she gets really excited when watching this show.  Once we began watching the episodes, Savannah couldn't stop clapping and smiling.  Out of all the 5 episodes, Savannah enjoyed "Angelina and the Disco Dance Craze" the most, as she has continued to ask me to play this one in particular.  But, that is not to say that the others aren't as good, as they were, and got Savannah dancing through them, from start to finish.  We have only had this DVD for a few days now, but have already watched it half a dozen times.  This is definitely one Angelina Ballerina DVD you want to have in your Angelina Ballerina collection!


Click here to pre-order a copy of this DVD from Amazon for only $11.93.

One lucky reader will win a DVD copy of Angelina Ballerina: Musical Moves, thanks to HIT Entertainment and Lionsgate Home Entertainment.  To enter, please complete the entries on the Rafflecopter form below.  Good luck!

Disclosure: I was sent a copy of this DVD from the vendor, in order to write up an honest review.  The views above are mine and mine alone.


  1. Princess Phoebe because my daughters names are Angelina and Phoebe :)

  2. Angelina is the favorite.

  3. My daughter likes Alice, she says she is so nice :)

  4. My granddaughter loves AJ


  5. We love Alice :)

    My Name: heather abbe
    My Email: abbegirl1977 at gmail dot com

  6. I like Alice, always loved the name

  7. My daughter likes Alice too!
    noel.christmas365 at gmail dot com - Abby

  8. My daughter likes Ms. Mimi :)

  9. alice, and i don't know why

  10. Favorite besides Angelina is Angelina's best friend ALICE BRIDGETTE NIMBLETOES.

