Game of Memory and Hilarious Diversions
Besides watching movies, my husband and I love playing board games once the girls are in bed and sleeping. Because Arabella has begun teething lately, it is hard to watch a movie from start to finish. As a result, we end up taking turns rocking her and laying her down on the guest bedroom bed, in hopes of her falling back to sleep. On these long nights, we have been pulling out board games to play. One game that I was recently sent to review and include in my Father's Day Gift Guide, Distraction from ThinkFun, as become a favorite of ours. You would think that two overtired parents would not want to play a game where you have to memorize and recite back a set of numbers, but we find it fun and relaxing.
This game, which can be played with 2 or more players, age 8+, is easy to learn and will provide hours of entertainment. We have played this game by ourselves, and even enlisted my parents when they recently came to visit, to join us as "men against women" matches, which were so much fun. This game, even though fun with two players, is more enjoyable, I feel, with teams. When playing the game, players draw distraction cards, which will make you answer funny questions, before reciting the sequence of the numbers. These distraction cards are not meant to be hard or make you think, but are used as a distraction, to make you forget the sequence of numbers. As the number sequence gets longer, it becomes more difficult to remember the numbers. But, the first person to play all their cards and recite the entire sequence correctly wins. It is that easy -- but, yet so challenging.
If you family loves to play board games together, why not pick up a copy of Distraction today. It is small enough to pack in your luggage for weekend getaways, when you go camping, etc. Think you have a sharp memory? You will think twice after playing this game. :-) My husband and I were so surprised at how well we did, during the restless nights we played this game.
---BUY NOW---
Click here to order this game online from ThinkFun, for only $12.99, to receive in time for Father's Day. Don't forget to check out their assortment of fun games the whole family will enjoy playing together.
Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views above are mine and mine alone.
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